一直不明白这个工作后再读的MBA跟常青藤有个毛关系呢,常青藤主要是针对本科而言的吧,而且即使比本科,现在Cornell和Brown也是公认的常青藤里最差的两所,US News的本科排名在15名左右。再说了,MBA真的有必要比本科校友么,人家本科校友会承认你一个从大陆来的MBA? -- by 会员 balabalabo (2012/2/26 0:40:21)
so what, they are well-known school worldwide, no matter the under grads recognize MBA grads or not, MBAs are recognized by the society. As I got a master from a Ivy school, the degree gives me a platform to connect w people w similar background, of coz going to the same school is important reason to make conversation. Also ranking is not that imp. to most of American, Cornell and Brown are top-tier schools given the various ranking, good enough! perhaps u need to be open-minded dude -- by 会员 cassieyu83 (2012/2/26 0:55:58)
哇,不好意思来八卦一下,我这上楼上这两位是谁了…… B开头这位也算CD某知名id的马甲了吧,搜索一下“用户帖子”就知道了,这个留给大家自己玩吧 C这位我在应该在某info session见过,我还挺喜欢这位美女滴。。。。。。 |