Salt deposits and moisture threaten to destroy the Mohenjo-Daro excavation in Pakistan, the site of an ancient civilization that flourished at the same time as the civilizations in the Nile Delta and the river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates. (A) that flourished at the same time as the civilizations (B) that had flourished at the same time as had the civilizations (C) that flourished at the same time those had (D) flourishing at the same time as those did (E) flourishing at the same time as those were OG 给的答案是A 答案A表达的是 X flourished at the same time as Y 可是从之前做过的那些题目看来 OG一直教导我们结构要平行 要agreement, 那直觉上正确的结构就应该是X flourished at the same time as Y did, 所以我搞不懂,求高手解答 谢谢 -- by 会员 someonemad (2012/2/17 2:50:39)
我是这么想的: 这其实就像那个例子: I eat apple faster than you do.==>这里必须加do,防止歧义 I eat faster than you.==>这里就不用加do了,因为没有歧义~
这道题是civilization flourished,所以后面civilizations的did就可以省略了~
一点拙见,仅供参考~~ |