14. Common patterns of fallacious reasoning are endemic to everyday life and once adopted cannot be corrected. Poor reasoning skills waste public and private money, make people less efficient and productive, and diminish our national capacity to compete abroad. But within the past few years, a "thinking skills" movement has arisen. The teaching of reasoning skills is part of this larger movement to make students think more critically. Increasingly, as part of the teaching of decision-making, college students are successfully learning to avoid common patterns of fallacious reasoning that they habitually commit, and, in the process, to acquire sound reasoning skills.
Which one of the following identifies the most serious logical flaw that this passage contains?
(A) The passage fails to establish a connection between the teaching of decision-making and the teaching of reasoning skills.
(B) The passage contradicts itself by both affirming and denying that patterns of fallacious reasoning can be corrected.
(C) The passage uses circular reasoning by first stating that patterns of fallacious reasoning diminish our capacious reasoning diminish our capacity for competition and then asserting that lack of competition leads to a lessening of skills.
(D) The passage makes an unwarranted inference from improving thinking skills to teaching reasoning skills.
(E) The passage fails to link the teaching of decision-making to the larger movement to make students think more critically.
the answer is B,why. i prefer A.
thank you