The format of network television news programs generally allows advocates of a point of view only 30 seconds to convey their message. Consequently, regular watchers become accustomed to thinking of issues in terms only of slogans and catch phrases, and so the expectation of careful discussion of public issues gradually disappears from their awareness. The format of newspaper stories, on the other hand, leads readers to pursue details of stories headed by the most important facts and so has the opposite effect on regular readers—that of maintaining the expectation of careful discussion of public issues. Therefore, in contrast to regular newspaper reading, regular watching of network television news programs increases the tendency to think of public issues in oversimplified terms.
19. Which one of the following, if true, most seriously weakens the argument? (A) Regular watchers of network television news programs are much more likely than other people to be habitual readers of newspapers. (B) Including any 30-second quotations from proponents of diverse views, the total amount of time devoted to a single topic on regular network television news programs averages less than one and a half minutes. (C) The format of network television news programs does not include roundtable discussion of issues among informed proponents of diverse views. (D) Television news reports tend to devote equal time to discussion of opposing views. (E) People who watch the most television, measured in average number of hours of watching per week, tend not to be regular readers of newspapers.