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[作文互改] issue2,求拍

发表于 2012-2-15 20:08:51 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Major cities always take role as models. Asa result, they can represent many important characteristics of a society. However,major cities are far from enough to take place for the whole society. So I tendto agree that, to understand a society, all kinds of districts should bestudied.

The significant status of major cities in asociety cannot be ignored. Furthermore, some of them provide sufficient informationof varied aspect of a society. For example, Beijing, the capital of China,although constructed with a lot of modern buildings, it still preserves a largequantity of old ones, such as Forbidden City, countless temples, and so on, allof which are the reminder of the splendid past of imperial china. Major citiesalso character a society in other fields, like economy. New York City is thefinancial capital of the world. So many national and international corporationshave their headquarters here. Wall Street, the world’s leading financialcenter, decide the direction of financial development. The city also representsthe most important characteristic of United States which is the largest economyin the world.

However, other districts except majorcities cannot be ignored. They also show many characteristics of the society,most of them can be different from characteristics that are shown by majorcities. Firstly, unbalanced economic development in different districts cannotbe totally avoided in a society. What is worse, polarization of developmentbecomes more and more serious in several nations. Shanghai, the financialcenter of china, takes the same role as New York City takes in United States. Shanghaihas benefited from rapid development recently years, and is one of the mostimportant financial center in the world. Its flourish situation also provesthat China has grown up to be a forceful power in world economy. However, thereare still countless districts in China. People living in these areas areleading harsh lives. What is more, although urban population has expandedquickly in China, rural population still accounts for the majority of theentire population. It is not hard to discover that major cities in china arefar from enough to represent the national circumstance.

Secondly, unless a survey about cultureconducted so randomly across the nation, it is possible to character thesociety from cultural perspective comprehensively. Major cities always takeresponsibility to guide other districts in economic or other modern fields,they are more likely to be assimilate by external culture and abandon thecustoms, because of the frequently connection with international society. As aresult, culture traditions or culture heritages are better preserved in lessdeveloped districts, some as villages and towns. Since culture is also animportant characteristic of a society, studies in major cities are clearly notenough.

Finally, a society came from theconstruction of people, so only people in the society can reflect the essenceof it. Even if urbanization has been largely pushed forward, large quantitiesof people are still living in small cities or countryside, and it is exactlythe circumstance of these people that can truly represent general situation ofthe society.

In conclusion, major cities should bestudied to understand a society, but small cities, countryside, and some moreremote districts are also deserve to be studied, so that the understanding of asociety cannot be a shallow one.
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发表于 2012-2-15 21:37:05 | 只看该作者
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