"Businesses are as likely as are governments to establish large bureaucracies, but bureaucracy is far more damaging to a business than it is to a government." Bureaucratic behaviours are more based on relationship, personal authority rather than concentration on profits. In the past of China, when nobody benefited from profits of a state-owned company, people may take interest in position authorities or relations to help them get promoted. However, when modern businesses are more independent from the govenment and exposed to the market competitions, they have to endeavor every effort to be efficient and profit-driven. Thus, I can not agree that businesses are as likely as governments to establish large bureaucracies. Whether bureaucracy is more damaging to a business than to a government, it really depends on the degrees and circumstances. On the first place, enterprises have the nature to maxiumize the profit.In a private owned company or multple share-holders owned company, to maxiumize the profit does require efficiency improvement. If multiple leaders structure or large bureaucracy established appears to hinder the efficiency, laid-off may happen to avoid it. Thats why we can see more "flatstructure" than multple layers in management board nowadays to reduce information delivery time and be quicker to respond to market changes. Take Chinese enterprises for instance,over 50% of previously state-owned company have been purchased and adjusted to be private-owned in the past 20 years. Chinese government has encouraged the trend with policies hoping that in the process of growing up with those companies, all Chinese people can realize only through efficient work, they can make the company more profit which in return bring about their own interests and material benefits. With the increasing ratio of non-state-owned companies in China and globally,bureaucracy has been eliminated effectively. On the second place, bureaucracy does not necessarily take place in a govenment or a state-owned company. But once it happens, more than often in a severe degree, it leads to bigger hurt and damage to a government who leads the whole nation than a company facing bankruptcy due to their different scopes. Govenment, suffering from serious bureaucracy, may over-burdens itself with abusement of political power,corruption and violation of laws. The whole society may be set in a choas, nobody complying with regulations and rules following negative examples set by the government offiers. revious Tiawan region leader-Chen Shuibian, in order to satisfy self-interest, set up huge bureaucracy favoring himself made up by his relatives and friends, which provides us a instance by looking at today's taiwan chaotic social orders after Chen Shuibian and taiwan people's condemnation of his behavior as a government primary leader. While company bureaucracy, due to limited influence, will only lead to bankruptcy at the worst and replacement by other competitors. Admittedly, larger companies are more likely to face the problem of bureaucracy because of complex internal structures such as multiple locations, various functional department, huge employee number etc . However, thanks to their profit-driven nature, they can be aware of the problem most of times and correct it before it is too late. J&J has examplified itself to us in cutting of unnecessary department and dismissing over-crowded middle management to face inflation and possible global economic recession nowadays. All in all, due to allthe reasons I demonstrate above, businesses are, on the contrary, less likely to establish large bureacracy and suffer from it than governments do. |