刚开始开这个贴的时候有些激动,因为同学们对问题研究绝对到了一个相当高的层次,然而越往下看这种激动就越小.在这里我要粗鲁的说一句 '太TM水了’,居然能从amount 讨论到超模大赛。同学们的境界太高了… 在这里要提醒一下除了泾渭不凡同学以外的同学们:千万别被泾渭不凡同学带坏了,这丫头原来在JJ区就喜欢水,我记得考试前一天她身体不舒服还依然还集中精力,可歌可泣地在灌水,如果CD多几个这样的人就可以改名叫ID了(irrigate dream……) 不过话又说回来了,‘水神’同学居然能这么努力的在前几贴讨论一下关键的问题而不是完全灌水,我不插上一脚情何以堪!!!
现在就插 ............................................ amount is normally used with uncountable nouns, but it can also be used with countable nouns that r thought of as some sort of aggregations. examples: amount of income taxes from tobacco industry last year amount of bricks that r used to built the memorial hall healthy amount of pounds to lose in a week (thats why ‘amount of phosphates’ is used correctly&perfectly appropriate ) …….hence amount and number r interchangeable in some scenarios. P.S. to babybearmm: theres a restaurant called heart attack grill in vegas…hsve u ever been there b4? -- by 会员 justabeginning (2012/2/4 17:25:54)
=_=............. ............... ............... ................=_=
~~~~(>_<)~~~~ ~~~~(>_<)~~~~ 囧这儿了................................................... |