这是一个神奇的哥哥写的神奇的帖子,膜拜。。 拿到一个没奖的ESCP的offer,亲爱的楼主哥哥你说我是今年去读好还是今年第一批再申请明年再读好哇?我想读金融的呢~ 今年就读的话呢,我就早点出来工作早点赚钱,但没奖好痛苦哇 明年再读的话呢,有可能拿到奖,也多点时间学法语,还可以做几份实习,为以后找实习打基础,但总赶脚自己比别人慢一年很不甘心的呢。。而且机会成本好大哇!而且还不一定能拿到奖哇! Derman哥哥你肿么看呐? Mua!
-- by 会员 ESCP? (2013/3/14 22:12:57)
I am not here to make decision for you! One year is no big deal I think, if you are a girl (which I assume you are), and worry about 嫁不出去,age might be a problem. haha...... I have a few friends in France working Extremely hard to make money and live frugal life. A girl traveled across the city every week to work in Disney to make money, a boy served and did basic accounting work for a few restaurants near school to make money, a boy worked 8 jobs (some internships, some trivial part-time jobs) during three years in school. When people study, you work; when people party, you study. If you have limited financial means, life in France can be very hard at the beginning, especially when some (or most) Chinese mates live much easier life and travel around. but will get better once you get internship. The longer time you spend on looking for intenship, the harder life would be. -- by 会员 Derman (2013/3/15 21:20:51)