這裡再貼一次面試題目 1. talk about your leadership experience. 2. why carey. 3. talk about your work experience. 4. the qualities you think a leader should have. 5. question?
这个学校的GMBA项目真的很贵,47000*2, 不算生活费,而且国际学生无贷款项目。 分享一封邮件“While Hopkins doesn’t have a direct loan program, you’re certainly able to apply for any loans you wish at banks, credit unions, etc. You should be aware that if you get a loan in the US you will most likely end up paying higher interest fees due to your non-immigrant status. Just be very careful and be sure you know what you’re getting into. I’d also suggest looking into loans at home – you might be able to get a better deal there.”