54. (27343-!-item-!-188;#058&003156)
Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken in large quantities in order to
treat particular maladies.
(A) Unlike using spices for cooking, in medicinal usage they are taken
(B) Unlike spices that are used in cooking, in using spices for medicine, they are taken
(C) Unlike cooking with spices, taking spices for medicinal use is done
(D) In cooking, small quantities of spices are used, whereas in medicinal usage spices are taken
(E) In cooking, the usage of spices is in small quantities, whereas in medicinal usage they are taken
这题答案没有争议,对B的解释说in using 这个短语的位置既可以修饰前一个分局也可以修饰后一个修饰,传说中的夹心修饰没问题,个人对A选项有个小小的疑问,那A选项中的in medicinal usage不会也有歧义么》???这里,我个人的解释认为应该B选项中两个逗号所以可以把in using看成插入语然后修饰对象就模糊了,然后A选项中的in usage前面有逗号所以就不存在这个歧义??仅讨论这个语法点,请NN们和版主指点