Discrimination in wages paid in occupations that are predominantly male over the predominantly female have given rise to substantial differentials between the wages of housepainters and secretaries and between the wages of parking-lot attendants and library assistants. D) that favors predominantly male occdupations over those that are the predominantly female has E) in predominantly male occupations over the predominantly female has 说说刚才前面讨论的省略问题。为什么说省略是正确的,我的理解是:请注意定冠词the,我认为如果原句改为Discrimination in wages paid in occupations that are predominantly male over (predominantly) female has given rise to 就正确了。 回过头来看D如果改为that favors predominantly male occdupations over those that are predominantly female has也就正确了,因为加了the以后,those predominantly female 就变成特指的了和predominantly male就不同了。 再说E选项in predominantly male occupations over the predominantly female has,这里为什么要用the?因为occupations省略了,通过the + adj代替名词。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-8-15 9:28:38编辑过] |