On turning 65 years old everyone living the town Which of the following is an assumption which the of Malton becomes eligible to receive a card that argument depends ? guarantees discounts on most goods and services sold in the town Census records for l990 show that (A) The town of Maltou has no complete census 2,450 inhabitants of Malton turned 64 in that year records for l99I Yet in 1991 over 3,000 people applied for and (B) The overall size of the population of Malton properly received discountcards . So cle arlysome of by over50O during 199O Malton's popuLation growth between l 990 and 1 992 (C) Fewer people applied for and received discount must be attributabletomigrationinto the city by cards in 199 l than did so in l992 . people in their mid -60 's (D) Among the people 65 yearsold or older who moved into Malton in1991 there was no one who did not apply for a discount card . (E) in general people who applied for and received discount cards in 199 l first became eligible to do so in that year -- by 会员 竹林中人 (2011/12/18 12:51:01)
关于这题,我跟几个人讨论过,因为是做的第一道逻辑题,关于这个argument的结论和假设的问题,由于结论是要证明申请卡的人的增多是由于外来人口中的65岁以上的人的原因造成的,那么我的假设就是要找证据证明有外来人口且有65岁以上的外来人口申请了卡,所以D选项是对的,当时的争论集中在E上,E说的是当年申请的人当年就可以享受优惠,因为我们讨论的时候需要排除一种情况是之前有65岁以上的人没有申请而1991年才申请拿卡,犯迷糊了。。。 讨论的过程中,我想起了杜昶旭老师给我们讲填空提到逻辑的时候,貌似说了这么个例子,当A——>B——>C——>D的时候,要问能推得D的条件的时候,就应该直接选C,之前的A和B就不能选了,虽然我们自己认为很有必要选AB,因为没有AB就没有C,但就是这么个样子,当时老实说,虽然你们不能理解,但你们必须得接受,这就是逻辑。。如此云云。。我的理解现在有限,只止于此,望乞有人赐教! |