首先,前面有网友说complex gerund和simple gerund的问题,我re。同样建议看Manhattan相关章节。现在假设lz明白这点,我们来分析题目(这道题我觉得D/E选项的区分需要真正理解句意)。
D. Besides the possible doing of sth., S may also do sth
E. Besides possibly doing sth., S may also do sth
D/E中,possible/possibly的用法都分别没有问题,D中possible修饰noun(确切说来这算action noun),没问题。
好了,句子结构如此提炼,发现D/E都可以。那么说明我这个提炼太condensed (都提炼成do sth,但必须考虑do sth的具体内容来解题),于是我们必须回到原句的意思和逻辑上面去:
The health benefits of tea have been the subject of much research; in addition to its possibilities for preventing and inhibiting some forms of cancer, the brewed leaves of Camellia sinensis may also play a role in reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
D. besides the possible preventing and inhibiting of
E. besides possibly preventing or inhibiting这一次为了咱分析方便,我们就不考虑possible/possibly了,因为这两个词用法都正确,不是考点。
这下我们考虑句意,what is being discussed? 关键词: "cancer" "heart disease and stroke",这就是作者的两点points:1.
role in preventing and inhibiting
cancer 或者说 role in the preventing and inhibiting of cancer (注意我补全了role in,这是基于句意逻辑理解); 2.
role in reducing the risk of
heart disease and stroke.
D. besides the preventing of ..., S may also play a role in reducing ....
E. besides preventing ..., S may also play a role in reducing ...
E里面preventing...是simple gerund,所以是作为动词存在。那么也就是说,E是把动词和动词并列,可以是(表面上看)preventing和reducing并列(合乎逻辑),但也可以是prevent和play并列,就是besides doing sth, S may also do sth 的结构。而后者
而与之不同的是,D里面the preventing of ..是complex gerund,是整个作为名词存在,也就是说D是把名词和名词并列,这样就很精确地表示了并列关系:besides A, S may also play a role in B.
D. besides the possible preventing and inhibiting of
E. besides possibly preventing or inhibiting理解prevent cancer和inhibit cancer的含义,这里必须用and!
prevent cancer是预防癌症发生;inhibit cancer是(在癌症发生后)抑制,例如抑制癌细胞生长、抑制肿瘤扩散等等(btw:我学生物的,看到这个or立马排除了)
因句意,应是除了预防癌什么的,brewed leaves还有什么功能
留CDE。但划线外部分告诉我also play a role in reducing,我觉得为了更并列杀C,留DE
DE的最大区别在于 possible/possibly,preventing是表动作的,故用副词更好。选E。 不知答案对否
-- by 会员 yaohoo9 (2012/1/15 22:23:45)
-- by 会员 babybearmm (2012/1/15 23:08:33)