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EXERCISE 28 1. 定位在第一段: A. If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think; B. For women feminist literary critic, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist C. If she defines feminist criticism as creative and intuitive, privileged as art, then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices 2. 定位在: then her work becomes vulnerable to the prejudices of stereotypic ideas about the ways in which women think,答案B; 3. 定位第二段第一句话,Less …than… 强调than以后的内容,同意重复即是A选 项。 A. 答案; B. 说的是than之前的内容; C. 没说不重要; D. 原文:These questions are political in the sense that the debate 没说解决的问题,更没说debate是解决问题的唯一选择; E. 没说男人女人; 4. 定位在: But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant. 答案D; 5. this evolutionary mechanism (combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance), 指代的内容应该在上一段,括号的内容给出了它的特征; 定位: Presumably an individual of the rarer form would have relative difficulty in finding a mate of the same hand, thus keeping the rare form rare or creating geographically separated right- and left-handed populations. 答案:C 6. 定位: One explanation for the differing effects is that all Lymnaea peregra eggs begin left-handed but most switch to being right-handed. 答案:E 7. 第一种解释不能证明why right-handedness should have become predominant, 第二个可以;答案:C 8. Reason对应文中的Why,后面就是解释: Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the federal government. 9. 结论:An economist concluded that Kregg Company deliberately discriminated against people with a history of union affiliation in hiring workers for its new plant. (一个经济学家总结出了一个规律:在新工厂招募中K公司刻意的歧视那 些有工会历史的人);为什么呢? 原因1:新工厂只有100/1500的工人有工会历史; 原因2:老工厂的比例比这个高得多; 问隐藏的假设是什么? 这假设就是作者利用两个统计结果推出结论这个reasoning中依赖的或者是需要补 充来加强这个推理的论据;所以这个论据至少应该是在统计数据和结论之间建立的 联系,假设是结论成立的必要条件。只要假设不成立,结论就必然不成立(充分性)。 我们发现D选项中,根本没有涉及任何和统计数据相关的概念,没有在前提和结 论间建立起桥梁的联系,所以D是此题的无关选项;我们将D取非,车间里有工 会成本不会很高一定就能充分的推出招募过程中不存在歧视问题吗?未必,还需要 其他条件的支持,比如老板的脾气秉性,也许老板不在乎钱,但就是看不惯你们工 会那帮人(比如大卫斯特恩)花钱买个痛快,所以D不是结论成立的必要条件。 我们看E,E是在帮助作者补充支持新工厂和老工厂比较差异性,并无他因。 工厂老板会反驳作者说:“我们不是歧视他们啊,相反我们特别喜欢成立工会,希 望找到有这样经验的人,但是,您看我们新工厂方圆几百公里以内都找不到一个有 工会经验的人,我们也是没有办法啊~” 于是作者亮出了E选项,你们候选人里这么多工会的人了,不是没有,就是你们不 招,你们瞧不起他们,驳斥了工厂老板的狡辩。 同样我们把E取非,招聘的时候所有的候选人没有一个是工会的人,所以我们不需 要任何其他的条件的支持,就一定就能得出他们在招募新员工过程中一定不会存在 歧视工会人的问题,因为根本没有工会的人的存在,所以E才是结论成立的必要条 件,也就是前提假设。答案E。 10. 定位在:as most of these experiments support traditional quantum mechanics, Einstein's approach is almost certainly erroneous. 答案:B |