1,Storni used earlier poetic movements, namely Romanticism and modernism, as models for her poetry. 2,A further central belief has recently begun to appear as equivocal, namely loyalism itself. 3,And so there is psychokinesis, mind acting upon a material object, namely brain cells. 4,In fact, East Anglia's sickness prevalence rate is 15.6 higher than the predicted 189.4, namely 205. 5,Now we witnessed, at the beginning of Chapter 3, a certain extraordinarily complicated-looking set, namely the Mandelbrot set. 6,Of one thing I am fairly certain, namely that the glassfibre Seayak will carve through waves better. 7,One of the most important stages has yet to be started, namely beginning to fit the person into their new job. 8,The issues are in two main clusters, namely the safety and the pricing and procurement of drugs. 9,Tilth: You want your soil to have good tilth, namely to be crumbly and easy to work. these are samples from longman.具体的用法,朗文上没有.好像用法很多,但是也有接从句的. 大家研究研究.
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