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[备考日记] 每日一听 60-second-science 《听写营》

 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 13:40:29 | 只看该作者
2011-10-28 (20)
This is Scientific American’s 60-Second Science. I am Karen Hopkins. This
will just take a minute.
Ben Franklin said that there is nothing certain but death and taxes. Today,
Scientists might add global warming to that list. But though most scientists
are certain that more CO2 means toastier globe, what they can’t pin down is
how much warmer it’s going to get.
If that sound like a forecast only Heisenberg could love, well, too bad---
That’s just the way it is. Or so say researchers (the researchers) at the university

of Washington in Seattle in the October 26th issue of journal Science.
The researchers were (are) working on equations to help climatologists (the
climatologist) (to) get the most out of their climate model. The current models,
run on decades’worth of data, predict that we could be looking at a planet that’s
2 to5 degrees warmer, althoughthere is a chanceit (or the chances) could be
close to 10.

the researchers discovered is that no matter how much data the scientists
feed into their model, they are never going to get a more precise estimate of
the high end than that.
Perhaps the findings willencourage policymakers (the policy maker) to act now,
rather than calling for more data before making any decision about the environment.
(to make the environment better.) Or the lack of the definitive info about the worst
case scenarios could give climate change skeptics an excuse to try to tableany action.

-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2011/10/28 20:39:29)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 13:41:30 | 只看该作者
O(∩_∩)O哈哈~。。。我占了100楼,吉利的数字!~~继续加油!~~坚持ing ........
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-30 14:27:36 | 只看该作者
21. 这篇相对容易

1. Look before you leap, the old adage has it.正如一句格言所说:三思而后行
2. retina  视网膜
3. crawl out 爬行
发表于 2011-10-30 23:21:02 | 只看该作者
嗯嗯 跟LZ一起努力!我今天听得又是自己的,也贴上来,算是督促自己。以后跟LZ一起~复习有氛围! 我的情况要等明年再申,所以目前只是坚持每日任务锻炼实力。外加参加实习。不知道LZ什么时候考,总之祝LZ能考出个好成绩!!!天道酬勤~
发表于 2011-10-30 23:26:10 | 只看该作者
Robins Found Guilty in West Nile Virus Spread

A study of the spread of West Nile virus across North America since its introduction in 1999 implicates
robins as a key disease vector. Sophie Bushwick

October 27, 2011 |1

West Nile virus first appeared in North America in 1999. And it quickly moved across the continent. Now a study has pinned the proliferation on a particular culprit: robins. The work is published in the journal Science. [A. Marm Kilpatrick, "Globalization, Land Use, and the Invasion of West Nile Virus"]

A variety of animals can serve as hosts for West Nile, but the virus primarily spreads through a few species of mosquitoes that usually feed on birds, and those bird species, which become viral hosts. Robins may not be the most abundant of birds, but mosquitoes find their blood particularly tasty, frequently feeding on them and turning them into viral “super-spreaders.”

In fact, the virus may be why the once-growing robin population has leveled off. The mosquitoes and birds responsible for West Nile

’s spread abound where people also live, raising the odds that a mosquito that picked up the virus feeding on a robin could transmit it to a person.

Knowing that the spread of mosquito-borne disease depends on the insects’ feeding habits could help researchers predict and prevent the spread of new pathogens. As Dickenson said, hope is the thing with feathers.Even if it’s infected.名言!
—Sophie Bushwick

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast.]

West Nile Virus – 西尼罗河病毒,wiki一下

proliferation – a sudden increase

culprit – the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong

mosquito-borne disease – airborne,也就是蚊子传播的

今天这篇比较简单一点,1-4遍能听出个大概。查过生词后,5-6遍基本能听出框架。但是记笔记还是个老大难。7-8= =好吧,听起来觉得较简单了,这种语速跟读还是完全跟不上。
This is Scientific American 60-Second Science. I am Sophie Bushwick. Got a minute?
West Nile Virus first appeared in North America in 1999. And it quickly moved across the continent. Now a study has pinned the proliferation on a particular culprit – robins. The work is (was) published on the journal Science.

A variety of animals can serve as the hosts for West Nile, but the virus primarily spreads through a few species of mosquitoes that usually feed on birds, and those birdspecies, which become viral hosts. Robins may not be the most abundant of birds, but mosquitoes find their blood particularly tasty, frequently feeding on them and turning them intoviralsuper-spreaders.”
In fact, the virus may be why the once-growing robin population (population of robins) hasleveled off. The mosquitoes and birds responsible for West Nile’s spread abound where people also live, raising the odds that a mosquito that picked up the virus feeding on a robin could transmit it to a person. Knowing that the spread of mosquito-borne disease depends on the insects’ feeding habits could help researchers predict and prevent the spread of new pathogens. As Dickenson said, hope is the thing with feathers, even if it is infected.
Thanks for the minute, for Scientific American 60-Second Science. I am Sophie Bushwick.
发表于 2011-10-31 06:04:41 | 只看该作者
18. Explain the Universe In Your Sleep!

Turning off the computer at night can save energy, but if you are going to leave it (on), here is something you (might) want to do with it----Figure out the secrets of universe.
Distributed computing projects spread difficult problems out among numerous computers sometimes around the world. The SETI@Home project is a (well-known) example, which searches (radio) telescope data for evidence of extraterrestrial signal. Another project looks for special class of prime numbers called Mersenne Prime.
Now, there is a new distributed computing project called Cosmology at home
The idea is that your unused power can help in(cutting-edge前沿的)cosmology research. The computers come up with predictions based on different (theoretical) models (of the universe) that have different (parameters参数). These predictions can then be compared with the actual data that astronomer generate--data such as the (acceleration) of the universe, the way galaxies are distributed, even the way the cosmic microwave background radiation fluctuates. The models (that make) predictions that agree with the real date are probably the ones you can trust. The project is funded by the National Science (Fundation). For more info, go to cosmology at home. Org.
-- by 会员 ashlie888 (2011/10/26 14:54:09)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-31 08:52:01 | 只看该作者
嗯嗯 跟LZ一起努力!我今天听得又是自己的,也贴上来,算是督促自己。以后跟LZ一起~复习有氛围! 我的情况要等明年再申,所以目前只是坚持每日任务锻炼实力。外加参加实习。不知道LZ什么时候考,总之祝LZ能考出个好成绩!!!天道酬勤~
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2011/10/30 23:21:02)

我今年申请呀!刷分ing ....你也是今年毕业吗?明天申请的话,时间还是挺充足的啦!
 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-31 08:55:14 | 只看该作者
Robins Found Guilty in West Nile Virus Spread

A study of the spread of West Nile virus across North America since its introduction in 1999 implicates
robins as a key disease vector. Sophie Bushwick

October 27, 2011 |1

West Nile virus first appeared in North America in 1999. And it quickly moved across the continent. Now a study has pinned the proliferation on a particular culprit: robins. The work is published in the journal Science. [A. Marm Kilpatrick, "Globalization, Land Use, and the Invasion of West Nile Virus"]

A variety of animals can serve as hosts for West Nile, but the virus primarily spreads through a few species of mosquitoes that usually feed on birds, and those bird species, which become viral hosts. Robins may not be the most abundant of birds, but mosquitoes find their blood particularly tasty, frequently feeding on them and turning them into viral “super-spreaders.”

In fact, the virus may be why the once-growing robin population has leveled off. The mosquitoes and birds responsible for West Nile

’s spread abound where people also live, raising the odds that a mosquito that picked up the virus feeding on a robin could transmit it to a person.

Knowing that the spread of mosquito-borne disease depends on the insects’ feeding habits could help researchers predict and prevent the spread of new pathogens. As Dickenson said, hope is the thing with feathers.Even if it’s infected.名言!
—Sophie Bushwick

[The above text is a transcript of this podcast.]

West Nile Virus – 西尼罗河病毒,wiki一下

proliferation – a sudden increase

culprit – the person who is guilty of a crime or doing something wrong

mosquito-borne disease – airborne,也就是蚊子传播的

今天这篇比较简单一点,1-4遍能听出个大概。查过生词后,5-6遍基本能听出框架。但是记笔记还是个老大难。7-8= =好吧,听起来觉得较简单了,这种语速跟读还是完全跟不上。
This is Scientific American 60-Second Science. I am Sophie Bushwick. Got a minute?
West Nile Virus first appeared in North America in 1999. And it quickly moved across the continent. Now a study has pinned the proliferation on a particular culprit – robins. The work is (was) published on the journal Science.

A variety of animals can serve as the hosts for West Nile, but the virus primarily spreads through a few species of mosquitoes that usually feed on birds, and those birdspecies, which become viral hosts. Robins may not be the most abundant of birds, but mosquitoes find their blood particularly tasty, frequently feeding on them and turning them intoviralsuper-spreaders.”
In fact, the virus may be why the once-growing robin population (population of robins) hasleveled off. The mosquitoes and birds responsible for West Nile’s spread abound where people also live, raising the odds that a mosquito that picked up the virus feeding on a robin could transmit it to a person. Knowing that the spread of mosquito-borne disease depends on the insects’ feeding habits could help researchers predict and prevent the spread of new pathogens. As Dickenson said, hope is the thing with feathers, even if it is infected.
Thanks for the minute, for Scientific American 60-Second Science. I am Sophie Bushwick.
-- by 会员 铁板神猴 (2011/10/30 23:26:10)

 楼主| 发表于 2011-10-31 08:56:49 | 只看该作者
22.Height Affects Perception of Health

Data from England show that shorter people perceive their health as being poorer than tall or average-height people do. Steve Mirsky reports.


Height is correlated with a lot of things.  Up to a certain height, taller people make more money than the vertically challenged.  And the taller presidential candidate almost always wins.  Now a study finds that your height as an adult has a profound effect on your perception of your health.  Short people judge their health to be worse than average or tall people judge theirs.  The research was published in the journal Clinical Endocrinology.

Data for the study came from the 2003 Health Survey for England.  More than 14,000 participants filled out questionnaires and had their heights measured.  The study only looked at how good the subject thought his or her health was, not their actual health.  Questions focused on five areas: mobility, self-care, normal activities, pain or discomfort and anxiety or depression.  Men shorter than about 5’4” and women shorter than 5’ reported the worst impressions.  But small increases in height at the low end had much bigger effects on perception than the same increases among taller people.  Other studies have shown, ironically, that shorter people on average actually live longer.


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发表于 2011-10-31 09:28:59 | 只看该作者
今天早上又听了一篇 哈哈 同楼主共进退~
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