A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980.
A.that CEO’s now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times B.that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times C.that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio D.CEO’s who now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio E.CEO’s now earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, compared to the ratio of 42 times
其次,这里的CEO's 应该是CEO复数形式 GMAT语法中compare、base等词只用被动形式,(as) compare to/with 的比较对象要是同类的。 分别分析选项: A,CEO’s now earn 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of 42 times in 1980. compared to前面是419times,后面是a ratio,形式不同 B,CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times compares 不对 另外,感觉这里的a ratio 貌似是要做同位语?做419 times同位语,这样的话二者一个是倍数一个是比率,错 (这点我不知道这样分析对不对,请大家帮帮忙啊。。) C,CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio 前面是419 times the pay ,后面是42 times their pay (其中their指代前面的blue-collar workers) 但是这里有个疑问,按照上面关于B的推理这里的ratio不就也不就也不对了么?应该怎么理解这个ratio?