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[SC悬赏令] Season 1——manhattan 18(Stymieing the Armada’s )(已结贴)

发表于 2011-9-20 09:08:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
18. Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only due to gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing of eight war ships as “fireships,” vessels filled with pitch, brimstone, gunpowder, and tar and sent downwind toward the closely-anchored Spanish fleet.
A. Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only due to gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing
B. The defeat of the Spanish Armada, which stymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing
C. The defeat of the Spanish Armada, which stymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale winds that favored the British but also due to the sacrificing
D. Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrifice
E. Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the defeat of the Spanish Armada was due not only to gale winds that favored the British but also to the sacrifice


The original has two major problems. “Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands” is incorrectly modifying “the reason” rather than “the defeat.” Also, the elements in the idiom “not only X but also Y” must be parallel. The elements in “not only due to gale winds … but also the sacrificing” are not parallel.
(A) The introductory modifier incorrectly modifies “the reason.” The elements in “not only due to gale winds … but also the sacrificing” are not parallel. Finally, it is redundant to write “the reason for result X… was… due to Y.” You can write “the reason for result X was Y,” or you can write “result X was due to Y,” but not both.
(B) The use of a “which” modifier (which must touch the thing that it modifies) implies that the Spanish Armada, not its defeat, stymied plans. The elements in “not only due to gale winds … but also the sacrificing” are not parallel.
(C) The use of a “which” modifier (which must touch the thing that it modifies) implies that the Spanish Armada, not its defeat, stymied plans. The parallelism of “not only due to gale winds … but also due to the sacrificing” is improved here, but still wordy due to unnecessary repetition of “due to.”
(D) The introductory modifier incorrectly modifies “the reason.”
(E) Correct. The introductory modifier correctly modifies “the defeat.” The elements in “due not only to gale winds that favored the British but also to the sacrifice” are parallel. Additionally, “sacrifice” is preferable to “sacrificing,” and the placement of “due” BEFORE the not only … but also construct prevents the unnecessary repetition of the word.


A中看到前三词即可秒杀不再看下去:Stymieing的逻辑主语错误(见到这样需要逻辑主语的修饰语要先看其修饰对象合不合理,这一步甚至可以在读懂整个句子意思以前),随之可以稍微再读一下A选项看看有没有其他错误的地方,发现the reason was due to...这样一个重复的结构,发现not only...but also...立马开始按照这两点在下面选项找有没有类似的考点出现错误。
果然发现,B中not only…but also…不平行。D的逻辑主语也错。那么最后剩下C,E,稍微看一下,C的which指代不好,C的not only due to ... but also due to ...,而且sacrifice比sacrificing好(sacrifice自己就可以做名词,因此sacrificing如果是名词,那么也是一个强调动作的名词,这里只是一个静态描述,用sacrifice即好),这么多不好的地方,已经可以足够排除C了。注意GMAT选最优。

B, C中which的指代不好,没有背景知识的人会以为which指代Spanish Armada。
B, C都用了not only due to ... but also due to ...,过于复杂。

1. "冲着due to比because不好" ——若雪
其实due to没有一点点比because不好的地方,其实它俩是从属的关系:because包含了due to
而due to的实际含义是caused by,以及因为语法界争执不下的某个地方(due to是介词短语还是形容词短语),due to在GMAT里被规定不能放在句首,而且只能做定语和表语。所以due to的用法比较受限制。
看到due to,三步判断:(1)是不是做定语或表语,而是做状语或放在句首,如果不是就错误 (2)用caused by代替试试看,要是代替后意思不对,就错 (3)看看前后有没有和due to重复含义的地方,比如本题的A选项就是the reason ... was due to...是明显的错误(because的检验也有这一步)。(大家尽量不要摘抄这些无用的话,其实这些都是根据due to的双重性质和还有due的本质性含义推出来的,记住本质,语法点自然而然就出来了,正所谓“无极生太极,太极生两仪,两仪生四相,四相生八卦”,无极即是无形根本,其他兼为具象衍生,探清本质,甚至人人都可以写出属于自己的一本语法书。)

2. “但我认为C中的which指代的就是the defeat啊” ——2011finish
“which应该可以跳跃修饰defeat的吧,因为无敌舰队这个词很短啊” ——ffen
"另外发现很多同学通过which的指代排除,但A of B,which 指代A 是合理的语法现象,有造成指代不明的嫌疑,但不是一个绝对错误。Prep语法2008上已经有了详细解释 " ——
umm...确实“manhattan对与which的指代要求过于严格了,对于A of B, which的形式,如果which指代了A只能说不太好,并不能说不对”。但是这个句子里,就算用了that,也有指代Spanish Armada的歧义(暂且不论逻辑上不可能用that),因为Spanish Armada完全可以做stymied the Armada’s plans的行为发出者,所以本句的which指代就是有歧义的。

3. “was due not only to。。。。 but also to 虽然结构对,但感觉老美不太会这么说话,看着诡异” ——2011finish
not only...but also...永远只有一个考法:前后是否平行,而不在乎老美是否习惯这样表达。只要能表达出意思,方式永远是层出不穷的。

4. “E中Stymieing,有“正在进行的”感觉,“阻止”这件事,应该是一次性的吧” ——ffen

逻辑主语和not only…but also… 两个知识点也必须升华为本能似的判断原则。



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发表于 2011-9-20 09:42:28 | 只看该作者
发表于 2011-9-20 09:42:31 | 只看该作者
not only but also并列,去掉AB
reason +due to 冗余,去掉D
发表于 2011-9-20 09:44:22 | 只看该作者
reason +due to 冗余,去掉D......................there is no due to in D.....?
发表于 2011-9-20 10:19:24 | 只看该作者
Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only due to gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing of eightwar ships as “fireships,” vessels filled with pitch, brimstone, gunpowder, and tar and sent downwind toward the closely-anchored Spanish fleet.

A   Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only due to gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing
not only ... but also ...结构不平行

B  The defeat of the Spanish Armada, which stymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also the sacrificing
not only ... but also ...结构不平行
which指代Spanish Armada不对

C  The defeat of the Spanish Armada, which stymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also due to the sacrificing
which指代Spanish Armada不对

D Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrifice
Stymieing的逻辑主语是the reason,不对

E  Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, the defeat of the Spanish Armada was due not only to gale winds that favored the British but also to the sacrifice
Stymieing的逻辑主语是the defeat,正确
在有名词存在的情况下使用sacrifice,不使用the sacrificing,更好的和gale winds平行
the defeat ... was due not only to ... but also to ...,结构平行

发表于 2011-9-20 10:22:13 | 只看该作者
根据句意,Stymieing 的主语应该是defeat。
发表于 2011-9-20 11:22:06 | 只看该作者

18. Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meetup with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only dueto gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing of eightwar ships as “fireships,” vessels filled with pitch, brimstone, gunpowder, andtar and sent downwind toward the closely-anchored Spanish fleet.


A       Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only dueto gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing
秒杀,not only...but also;还有错误同D,stymieing的动作发出者是reason,错误
B       The defeat of the Spanish Armada, whichstymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off thecoast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also the sacrificing
秒杀,not only...but also;而且which指代的是无敌舰队,逻辑错误。
   C       The defeat of the Spanish Armada, whichstymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off thecoast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also due to the sacrificing
       D      Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only galewinds that favored the British but also the sacrifice
       E       Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the defeat of the Spanish Armada was due not only to gale windsthat favored the British but also to the sacrifice
首先句意逻辑清晰,stymieing的发出者是defeat,而且解释清楚了defeat的原因。其次用词准确,due to表原因,没有和其他词重复。

发表于 2011-9-20 11:28:21 | 只看该作者
18. Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meetup with the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only dueto gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing of eightwar ships as “fireships,” vessels filled with pitch, brimstone, gunpowder, andtar and sent downwind toward the closely-anchored Spanish fleet.
        A       Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only dueto gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing
        B       The defeat of the Spanish Armada, whichstymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off thecoast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also the sacrificing
        C       The defeat of the Spanish Armada, whichstymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off thecoast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also due to the sacrificing
        D      Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only galewinds that favored the British but also the sacrifice
        E       Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the defeat of the Spanish Armada was due not only to gale windsthat favored the British but also to the sacrifice
-- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/9/20 9:08:57)

大爱这道题!!觉得和考场上的很像!! 典型的如果不看句意只想着3-2split然后“冲着due to比because不好狂找because结构发现全部都是due to”然后就歇菜了的题目~


 A       Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only dueto gale winds that favored the British but also the sacrificing
reason做扰乱的逻辑主语,错误。而且reason和后面due to重复
not only.. but also 不平行

B       The defeat of the Spanish Armada, whichstymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off thecoast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also the sacrificing
not only..but also不平行

C       The defeat of the Spanish Armada, whichstymied the Armada’s plans to meet up with the Duke of Parma’s army off thecoast of Flanders in the Spanish Netherlands, was not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also due to the sacrificing
D      Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the reason for the defeat of the Spanish Armada was not only galewinds that favored the British but also the sacrifice
E       Stymieing the Armada’s plans to meet upwith the Duke of Parma’s army off the coast of Flanders in the SpanishNetherlands, the defeat of the Spanish Armada was due not only to gale windsthat favored the British but also to the sacrifice



1、 紧邻修饰

一般例子就不用举了,只举个比较特别例子“A of B, which”(注:这里的of表示从属关系)

The commission proposed that funding for development of the park, which could be open to the public early next year, be obtained through a local bond issue.

Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D.69, during the reign of Vespasian, and was completed the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladitorial games, and spectacles.

In laboratory rats, a low dose of aspirin usually suffices to block production of thromboxane, a substance that promotes blood clotting, but does not seriously interfere with the production of prostacyclin, which prevents clotting.

The survival of coral colonies, which are composed of innumerable tiny polyps living in a symbiotic relationship with brilliantly colored algae, is being threatened, experts say, not only by pollutants such as agricultural runoff, oil slicks, and trash, but also by dropped anchors, probing divers, and global warming.

In attempting to solve the problems caused by a lowering of the price of oil, oil companies operating in the North Sea have taken a variety of approaches, which include reducing employment, using new technology to pump oil more efficiently from smaller fields, and finding innovative ways to cut the cost of building and operating platforms.

这些例子都能说明从属关系“A of B,which”中的which就近修饰紧邻的名词。

2、 跳跃修饰


From the bark of the paper birch tree the Menomini crafted a canoeabout twenty feet long and two feet wide, with small ribs and rails of cedar, which could carry four persons or eight hundred pounds of baggage yet was so light that a person could easily portage it around impeding rapids

Emily Dickinson's lettersto Susan Huntington Dickinson, which were written over a period beginning a few years before Susan's marriage to Emily's brother and ending shortly before Emily's death in 1886,outnumber her letters to anyone else.
这句话的which不能修饰其紧邻的名词Susan Huntington Dickinson,必须跳过介词结构to…,修饰核心词letter。

Unlike most other mergersin the utility industry, which have been driven by the need to save money and extend companies’ service areas, the merger of the nation’s leading gas company and leading electric company is intended to create a huge network for marketing the utilities in question as states open their utility markets to competition.
这句话的which不能修饰其紧邻的名词utility industry,必须跳过介词结构in…,修饰核心词merger。

In order to protect English manufacturers of woolen goods against both American and Irish competition, England passed the Woolens Act of 1698, which prohibited the export of woolen cloth beyond a colony's borders.
这里的which不能修饰紧邻的1698,必须跳过介词结构of 1968修饰前面的核心词act。

有人这里会说这不是A of B,which吗?which应该紧邻修饰啊?其实不然,因为of 1968和前面的那些A of B实际上用法不一样,这里是表示时间而不是“从属关系”。这个时间应该归在介词结构一类,所以要跳过。

Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.
这句话的which不能修饰其紧邻的名词emission,必须跳过分词修饰结构called …,修饰核心词technique。
发表于 2011-9-20 12:52:19 | 只看该作者

1.step one:看了遍A选项,the reason Stymieing就果断排了,另外not only...but also也不平行;
2.step two:扫一眼BC的结构the defeat was 。。。觉得还凑合,放着;D的逻辑错误果断排;
3.step three:看E, was due not only to。。。。 but also to 虽然结构对,但感觉老美不太会这么说话,看着诡异,逻辑主语初一看没有问题;再看BC,B不平行 ,排,集中在C和E;
4. step four:C和E我纠结了,但我认为C中的which指代的就是the defeat啊。C的not only。。but also不平行maybe.
发表于 2011-9-22 18:21:41 | 只看该作者
C的话,which应该可以跳跃修饰defeat的吧,因为无敌舰队这个词很短啊。但是,有个问题是,not only...but also的平行,到底要平行到什么程度?C中的not only due to gale windsthat favored the British but also due to the sacrificing,已经平行到due to了,还一定要后面的n.对应平行吗?
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