17. Pests had destroyed grape, celery,chili pepper crops, sugar beet and walnut in the region, but in the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry. A Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chilipepper crops, sugar beet and walnut in the region, but in the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry. B Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chilipepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region, but in the 1880s, more effective pest-control methods saved the citrus industry. C Pests had destroyed grape, celery, chilipepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region, but more effectivepest-control methods that were introduced in the 1880s saved the citrusindustry. D In the 1880s, pests destroyed grape, celery,chili pepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region and more effectivepest-control methods saved the citrus industry. E In the 1880s, more effective pest-controlmethods saved the citrus industry from what was destroying grape, celery, chilipepper, sugar beet and walnut crops in the region. -- by 会员 毛毛carina (2011/9/19 9:29:43)
A选项里面,我觉得crops应该是个总称,应该放在所有菜名的后面类似于概括性名词 C选项里面,擅自加了一个 introduced in the 1880s ,原文里面没有表达这种杀虫剂是1880s引进的哇~篡改句意,格杀勿论!! D选项里面,肿么能使and呢。。。明明是转折的语气 E选项里面,特意确认了一下,save from意思是免遭于,免于,那么后面就应该跟类似于什么“害虫侵扰”神马的了~~~不能是被害的菜菜们了
所以应该是B,首先crops位置正确,起到所有作物的概括性总结;然后but表转折语气,使用恰当;最后整个句意表达清晰,简明完整~~~ 恩恩,就它了!! |