Researchers have announced that the magnetic fields emitted by one manufacturer's security surveillance system, of which type there are 200,000 worldwide, can interfere with pacemakers and that this interaction can bring on missed or irregular heartbeats, nausea, breathlessness, dizziness, and even fainting.
20. GWD-30-Q20: Researchers have announced that the magnetic fields emitted by one manufacturer’s security surveillance system, of which type there are 200,000 worldwide, can interfere with pacemakers and that this interaction can bring on missed or irregular heartbeats, nausea, breathlessness, dizziness, and even fainting.
A. of which type there are 200,000 worldwide, can interfere with pacemakers and that B. of which, worldwide, there are 200,000 of that type, and which can interfere with pacemakers, and C. of which type there are 200,000 worldwide, they can interfere with pacemakers and D. 200,000 of which type exist worldwide, interfering with pacemakers, and E. 200,000 of that type existing worldwide and can interfere with pacemakers, and 这道题选A 我选D 请问OF WHICH 作何成分?为什么A对?
好像 of which 修饰 magnetic fields, 意思是世界上有200,000个这种类型的magnetic fields?
-- by 会员 mongmong (2011/10/9 16:08:20)
同意Jimmyzhang所说,which指代的是one manufacturer’s security surveillance system。 把定语从句顺序倒回来就是: there are 200,000 of the manufacturer’s security surveillance system type worldwide. of在这里的用法应该算是一种“同位修饰”,和both of us(我们两个人), four of us(当我们一伙是四个人的时候)的用法有点类似,of前面都是表明一个数量。当然也有three of us(当我们一伙大于3个人的时候),此时of就又是表达“所属”了。
好像 of which 修饰 magnetic fields, 意思是世界上有200,000个这种类型的magnetic fields?
-- by 会员 mongmong (2011/10/9 16:08:20)
同意Jimmyzhang所说,which指代的是one manufacturer’s security surveillance system。 把定语从句顺序倒回来就是: there are 200,000 of the manufacturer’s security surveillance system type worldwide. of在这里的用法应该算是一种“同位修饰”,和both of us(我们两个人), four of us(当我们一伙是四个人的时候)的用法有点类似,of前面都是表明一个数量。当然也有three of us(当我们一伙大于3个人的时候),此时of就又是表达“所属”了。
好像 of which 修饰 magnetic fields, 意思是世界上有200,000个这种类型的magnetic fields?
-- by 会员 mongmong (2011/10/9 16:08:20)
同意Jimmyzhang所说,which指代的是one manufacturer’s security surveillance system。 把定语从句顺序倒回来就是: there are 200,000 of the manufacturer’s security surveillance system typeworldwide. of在这里的用法应该算是一种“同位修饰”,和both of us(我们两个人), four of us(当我们一伙是四个人的时候)的用法有点类似,of前面都是表明一个数量。当然也有three of us(当我们一伙大于3个人的时候),此时of就又是表达“所属”了。
要从语义判断哦,首先fields是复数,不能是一种type,而system可以:there are 200,000 of the manufacturer’s security surveillance system typeworldwide.而且撇开复数不管,某种类型的磁场全球有20000个,其实磁场在哪里都是一样的.整个地球就是一个大磁场. == umm..感觉说得不是非常清楚,可能需要mongmong再自行体会一下意思。
好像 of which 修饰 magnetic fields, 意思是世界上有200,000个这种类型的magnetic fields?
-- by 会员 mongmong (2011/10/9 16:08:20)
同意Jimmyzhang所说,which指代的是one manufacturer’s security surveillance system。 把定语从句顺序倒回来就是: there are 200,000 of the manufacturer’s security surveillance system typeworldwide. of在这里的用法应该算是一种“同位修饰”,和both of us(我们两个人), four of us(当我们一伙是四个人的时候)的用法有点类似,of前面都是表明一个数量。当然也有three of us(当我们一伙大于3个人的时候),此时of就又是表达“所属”了。
要从语义判断哦,首先fields是复数,不能是一种type,而system可以:there are 200,000 of the manufacturer’s security surveillance system typeworldwide.而且撇开复数不管,某种类型的磁场全球有20000个,其实磁场在哪里都是一样的.整个地球就是一个大磁场. == umm..感觉说得不是非常清楚,可能需要mongmong再自行体会一下意思。