A study on couples' retirement transitions found that women who took new jobs after retiring from their primary careers reported high marital satisfaction, more than when retiring completely.
A study on couples' retirement transitions found that women who took new jobs after retiring from their primary careers reported high marital satisfaction, more than when retiring completely.
(A) more than when retiring (B) more than if they were to retire (C) more so than those who retired (D) which was more so than those retiring (E) which was more than if they had retired
这里C选项是正确的 我当时选的D 在CD中忧郁很久。。看了解释说D错是因为which 和 so 都指前面satisfaction 可是我还是不天明白 这里的SO 作为一个什么成分呢?? 盼解答。
ps: it和so的用法区别 if it's not a specific NOUN that can be replaced by a PRONOUN (usually "it"), then use "so". e.g. Wrong: i've always wanted to jump out of a plane, but i've never had the chance to do it. --> it只能指代名词,在这里只能指代 plane. do plane明显不对 Correct: i've always wanted to jump out of a plane, but i've never had the chance to do so. --> "do so" = jump out of a plane.