As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.
3. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision. (A) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision. (B) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult. (C) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult. (D) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.(D) (E) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision, which would deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about 20/500.
我在坛子里面搜了以前关于这个的解释,我发现还是没有我想问的问题类型。 我觉得这道题目的逻辑是,当一个婴儿从子宫中的黑暗中出生,小孩子的视觉被评为20/500;大人如果是这样的视觉的话就会被认为是瞎子。 那么也就说这个句子前半部分的重心是 小孩子的这个视觉被评为20/500咯,可是D选项明显前半部分的句子的重点是 a baby emerges from...而关于视觉这一点用了个with的短语就解决额..可是这个不是句子想要表达的意思呀....貌似重点关注不对呀... 再来说说E选项,貌似也不对哦,首先应该是would be deemed blind 对么 ?其次,不能说视觉是瞎子,只能说人是瞎的对么? 可是OG给的解释让我有点小莫名,which指代awkward。a of b这样的情况后面跟which指代正确的很多呀,总不能说这个which 可能指代sense 又可能指代vision吧? 求NN 解答呀 谢谢了 小女子万分感谢~