嗯~LZ对独立主格的理解挺有道理~~~ The state religion of ancient China, which came into existence at least as far back as the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to A.D. 220) and perhaps as early as the Western Zhou Dynasty (1050 B.C. to 771 B.C.), allowed only emperors performing the ritual worship of heaven, perceiving them as special links between the earthly and celestial realms. A. only emperors performing the ritual worship of heaven, perceiving them as B. only emperors to perform the ritual worship of heaven, with the perception of them being C. the ritual worship of heaven to be performed only by emperors, who were perceived as D. the ritual worship of heaven, performed by emperors only, with the perception of them as E. the ritual worship of heaven as performed by emperors only, who were perceived to be 看完LZ上面解释,我觉得这个题B选项是不是就是把原该是定从的成分,换成了独立主格,导致句意上比较awkward呢? 另外~确实应该是with没有prep+动名词这个verb modifier的用法,不是复合with没有这个用法……谢谢LZ纠错啦!~这个问题终于不那么晕了~~~ LZ语法很赞啊!~~~看好你!~~~ -- by 会员 huisang (2011/8/26 22:25:58)
这道题GWD的吧~哈。。我昨天好像刚做到。。。嗯,这道题我昨天还跟人讨论来着。好多人都说“句意为先”,我也同意。这里就是你要弄明白“什么被perceived as special links between the earthly and celestial realms” 如果能明白,这个被perceive的应该是emperor的话,那很明显你就知道应该是句尾“定语从句”,而不是“with独立主格”啦~因为后者是修饰前面整句话的啊~
嗯。。你说with独立主格应该和主语有联系。。我赞同。。但我就是不大同意版主说过的“with结构的逻辑主语一定要是主句主语”这句话,然后才做的这个总结 T T
不要表扬偶,我是被一战死虐的孩子。。吸取了教训才开始好好总结语法的T T |