一道题,我自己也觉得有点儿费解。白勇上说了that不能单独充当主语。 OG12上55题: Many house builders offer rent-to-buy programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to be able to move into new housing and to apply part of the rent to a purchase later. (A) programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to be able to move into new housing and to apply (B) programs that enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing and to apply (C) programs; that enables a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing, to apply (D) prorams, which enables a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to move into new housing, applying (E) programs, which enable a family with insufficient savings for a conventional down payment to be able to move into new housing, applying 答案是B 对于C,OG上说 insofar as this is grammatical, using a semicolon here causes that to refer too broadly to the entire previous clause rather than specifically to programs;白勇书上说了,that/this/those/these不能单独充当主语,但这里OG就没有说不可,分号后肯定是一个完整的句子,但是后面的分号that就充当了主语。可见,不能单独充当这个有进一层意思,突然来一个什么 that + V + O,可能在GMAT中不被允许,但是有上下文,前后紧密联系的,可能可以。 个人浅见。请指正! -- by 会员 crazysalad (2011/10/10 1:56:13)
I'm along with you.
The reason why that always could not used independently is just as what OG comments on option C: "to refer too broadly to the entire previous clause rather than specifically to programs". So, the judging creterion here is whether that has a definite reference.
Actually there is one sentence in GMAT SC that uses isolated "that" because the meaning is clear: #92. Unlike bananas, which can be picked green and ripened artificially, strawberries must be picked when they are fully ripe, and they remain at peak flavor for only four or five days after that. That often appears alone when it refers to preceding occurrence(in the above sentence, that means "strawberries are picked"). |