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,which....which...& ..that..求教

发表于 2004-7-4 14:24:00 | 只看该作者

,which....which...& ..that..求教

1.On seeing Halley's comet in A.D.66, the Jewish historian Josephus was persuaded that the apparition was a portent of the destruction of Jerusalem, which in fact took place four years later.

(B) of Jerusalem being destroyed, which

(C) for Jerusalem being destroyed, and that

(D) for Jerusalem to be destroyed, and that

(E) for the destruction of Jerusalem, and it

In (A) "which" refers to?? and how i know which one is "which" refer....confusing...

2. Japan is a culture of accommodation and constraint, a system of forms, etiquette, and images, making its ever-present congestion tolerable.

(B) Japan, a culture of accommodation and constraint, is a system of forms, etiwuette, and images, which makes its

(C) A culture of accommodation and constraint, Japan is a system of forms, etiquette, and images making its

(D) Japan's is a culture of accommodation and constraint, a system of forms, etiquette, and images that makes the

(E) Japan's is a culture of accommodation and constraint, of a system of forms, etiquette, and images, which makes the

Key is D, "that" refers to???

3. In the old Dutch settlement of Beverwyck---now Albany, New York--- so many people were hurt and windows broken that an ordinance was issued forbidding golf in the streets.

(B) broken that they issued an ordinance to forbid

(C) were broken that they issued an ordinance forbidding

(D) had been broken that an ordinance was issued to forbid

(E) had been broken that an ordinance was issued forbidding

key is A, why?? does it ordinance which forbids golf in the streets was issue

                                   --->an ordinance was issued forbidding golf in the streets??


[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-5 9:47:02编辑过]
发表于 2004-7-4 15:44:00 | 只看该作者

1、which指代the destruction of Jerusalem

2、that-----> a system

3、就是说颁布了一项法令禁止在街上打高球。(hyrt?  hurt?)

我觉得第3句有些怪,其他选项是不对,不过A里windows broken和so many people were hurt有些怪。

[此贴子已经被作者于2004-7-4 15:56:58编辑过]
发表于 2004-7-5 01:37:00 | 只看该作者

In the old Dutch settlement of Beverwyck---now Albany, New York--- so many people were hyrt and windows broken that an ordinance was issued forbidding golf in the streets.

so many people were hurt and windows (were)broken that an ordinance  was issued forbidding golf in the streets。

这里windows后面的were承前省略了。因为前面有个were了,所以后面这个一样的 were可以省略。可以把forbidding golf in the streets看成是定语从句后置了,其实是an ordinance (forbidding golf in the streets) was issued.为避免头重脚轻,所以置后了。


发表于 2004-7-5 15:55:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用juan在2004-7-5 1:37:00的发言:

In the old Dutch settlement of Beverwyck---now Albany, New York--- so many people were hyrt and windows broken that an ordinance was issued forbidding golf in the streets.

so many people were hurt and windows (were)broken that an ordinance  was issued forbidding golf in the streets。

这里windows后面的were承前省略了。因为前面有个were了,所以后面这个一样的 were可以省略。可以把forbidding golf in the streets看成是定语从句后置了,其实是an ordinance (forbidding golf in the streets) was issued.为避免头重脚轻,所以置后了。


我觉得这是一个so..that..的倒装句型, 第二个were省略,高于但forbidding golf in the streets只能临近指代前一个词,不过这样的指代真奇怪

发表于 2011-9-27 11:10:00 | 只看该作者
that refers to system
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