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According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation's largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.

正确答案: E











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发表于 2011-7-12 14:04:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
看了aeo的有关比较的深度贴  以及
还是有一些疑问,贴出来大家讨论一下,主要是基于aeo在 中生发的。

大全10. A large rise in the number of housingstarts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by severalbillion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much morerobust than five years ago.
(A) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanfive years ago
(B) and make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanfive years ago
(C) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than itwas five years ago
(D) to make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanfive years ago
(E) in making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanit as five years ago
Key: C

aeo的解释是:比较是construction industry’s economic health在不同年份的属性,所以than后面可以用it was,也可以用that,或者可以不补出。但是因为five years ago前面并没有介词,所以如果不补出,读者很容易认为是construction industry’s economic healthfive years ago的比较。换句话说就是,如果后面是in five years ago,那么就可以不补出。 -->  这个想法是来自于a comprehensive grammar of english里面对零关系分句的解释(即时间状语在没有补出介词的时候,会给读者造成confusion--是主语/宾语,还是状语?)。

我是否可以理解成在部分比较时,than后面有三种补出方式,1、用类似it was they are 的主谓形式;2、用thatthose代替比较部分的属性;3、用带有明确介词的时间短语。在下面几题中:

1Today’s technology allows manufacturers to make small cars morefuel-efficient now than at any time in their production history.

A.      small cars morefuel-efficient now than at any time in their
B.       small cars thatare more fuel-efficient than they were at any time in their
C.     small cars that are more fuel-efficient than thoseat any other time in
D.      morefuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in their
E.       morefuel-efficient small cars now than at any time in
问:这里比较的是small cars的属性,但是在B中的they were 错在哪里呢?和上题的it was 有啥区别?

2Soaring television costs accounted for more than halfthe spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion thanit was in any previous election.

  1. a greater     proportion than it was
  2. a greater proportion than
  3. a greater     proportion than they have been
  4. which is     greater than was so
  5. which is     greater than it has been
aeo的解释:这 a greaterproportion than后面依旧是可以补出it had beenthat或着不补出,in any previouselection已经明确是介词短语,不给使读者产生” a greater proportion”“in any previouselection”比较的歧义,所以就不需要补出了。
问:a greater proportion than 在这里是不是做同位语呢?我觉得用it had been补出不是很好理解,我理解的是Soaringtelevision costs accounted for a greater proportion than they had done in anyprevious election. 所以我觉得应该用 they had done 补出。但是读着好像是有问题,但是我解释不了。

3Although Napoleon's armyentered Russia with far more supplies than they had in their previous
campaigns, it had provisions for onlytwenty-four days.
(A) they had intheir previous campaigns,
(B) their previous campaigns had had,
(C) they had for any previous campaign,
(D) in their previous campaigns,
(E) for any previous campaign,

aeo的解释: 比较的是局部概念supplies,那么比较成分后面可以是than thosefor any previous campaign. than可以作为关系代词,所以省略those
(than for any previous campaign --> than those for any previous campaign --> than those that are for any previous campaign)

问:这里的than 后面可以用 they were 补出吗?似乎they是会发生指代不清问题的,在这种情况下就该弃用吗只用those吗?

4According to analysts, analliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’slargest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internetdata over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than iscurrently possible.

  1. with speeds much higher than is
  2. with speeds that are much higher than are
  3. at much higher speeds as are
  4. at much higher speeds than that
  5. at speeds much higher than are

The Parthenon is larger than usual for aDoric temple, with eight columns on the short sides and seventeen on the longones rather than the typical six and thirteen.
A) usual
B) is usual
C) has been usual
D) one usually is
E) it is usual

答案是 (B)


According to a study by the CarnegieFoundation for the Advancement of Teaching companies in theUnited States are providing job training and general education for nearly eightmillion people, about as many as are enrolled in the nation'sfour-year colleges and universities. 里面的用法是一样的吧。


还有一个问题就是关于compared to as compared to 的用法区别

A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn anaverage of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of42 times in 1980.

  1. that CEO’s     now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers,     compared to a ratio of 42 times
  2. that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar     workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times
  3. that, on     average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio
  4. CEO’s who     now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, as     compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio
  5. CEO’s now     earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, compared     to the ratio of 42 times
C中不考虑其他语法问题,as 指的是什么?可以去掉吗?


The number of the students in our school has increased fourtimes compared with 1980.

The production of integrated circuits has been increased tothree times as compared with last year.

The average income of the staff has been increased by 50percent compared with last year.

语法都是正确的吗?第二句和第三句一个用as 一个不用究竟那一个是对的呢?
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发表于 2011-7-12 14:25:02 | 只看该作者


A large rise in the number of housingstarts in the coming year should boost new construction dollars by severalbillion dollars, making the construction industry’s economic health much morerobust than five years ago.
(A) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanfive years ago
(B) and make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanfive years ago
(C) making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust than itwas five years ago
(D) to make the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanfive years ago
(E) in making the construction industry’s economic health much more robust thanit as five years ago
Key: C

我不觉得用 in five years ago 就可以不补出it was. 首先 in five years ago 没有这样的用法吧。five years ago就是时间状语啊,不需要加一个in。

题中making the construction industry's economic health much more robust 比较的是形容词 robust 的程度,而不是making的宾语construction industry's economic health. 如果是,应该说成 making health more robust than making that five years ago. 用it was,比较的是宾语补足语robust。。

发表于 2011-7-12 14:35:46 | 只看该作者
1、Today’s technology allows manufacturers to make small cars morefuel-efficient now than at any time in their production history.

A.      small cars morefuel-efficient now than at any time in their
B.       small cars thatare more fuel-efficient than they were at any time in their
C.     small cars that are more fuel-efficient than thoseat any other time in
D.      morefuel-efficient small cars than those at any other time in their
E.       morefuel-efficient small cars now than at any time in
问:这里比较的是small cars的属性,但是在B中的they were 错在哪里呢?和上题的it was 有啥区别?

首先B里面的they 和their指代的不是同一个。第一个是cars,第二个是manufactures.

其次,我觉得这里比较的是make的宾语 small cars 和those cars at any other time .. 还原成 make (more fuel-efficient) cars than those cars at any other time.. 这里的cars和those是不同的,上面的it was 里的it和比较对象economic health 是同一事物。
发表于 2011-7-12 14:51:15 | 只看该作者
2、Soaring television costs accounted for more than halfthe spending in the presidential campaign of 1992, a greater proportion thanit was in any previous election.

a greater     proportion than it was
a greater proportion than
a greater     proportion than they have been
which is     greater than was so
which is     greater than it has been
aeo的解释:这 里a greaterproportion than后面依旧是可以补出it had been,that或着不补出,in any previouselection已经明确是介词短语,不给使读者产生” a greater proportion”和“in any previouselection”比较的歧义,所以就不需要补出了。
问:a greater proportion than 在这里是不是做同位语呢?我觉得用it had been补出不是很好理解,我理解的是Soaringtelevision costs accounted for a greater proportion than they had done in anyprevious election. 所以我觉得应该用 they had done 补出。但是读着好像是有问题,但是我解释不了。

我觉得还原后应该是 a greater proportion than the proportion in any previous election.  a great proportion 做同位语修饰 more than half the spending... 如果补出 it had been 首先it没有指代对象,其次proportion是account for 的宾语,也不能做been的表语。
但如果补出they had done,从语法上讲也应该是 a great proportion than that they had done ..因为 比较对象是proportion 和that,但是they也不能指代costs,我想前面的是soaring costs,而不是costs

发表于 2011-7-12 14:56:12 | 只看该作者
3、Although Napoleon's armyentered Russia with far more supplies than they had in their previous
campaigns, it had provisions for onlytwenty-four days.
(A) they had intheir previous campaigns,
(B) their previous campaigns had had,
(C) they had for any previous campaign,
(D) in their previous campaigns,
(E) for any previous campaign,
aeo的解释: 比较的是局部概念supplies,那么比较成分后面可以是than thosefor any previous campaign. 而than可以作为关系代词,所以省略those。
(than for any previous campaign --> than those for any previous campaign --> than those that are for any previous campaign)
问:这里的than 后面可以用 they were 补出吗?似乎they是会发生指代不清问题的,在这种情况下就该弃用吗只用those吗?

你是说用they 指代supplies吗?我觉得比较的是more supplies 而不是supplies 如何如何,比如 make supplies more abundant.. 就是说用一个宾语补足语修饰supplies,单纯的用more,就不能用they were了吧。。
发表于 2011-7-12 15:22:33 | 只看该作者
4、According to analysts, analliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’slargest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internetdata over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than iscurrently possible.

with speeds much higher than is
with speeds that are much higher than are
at much higher speeds as are
at much higher speeds than that
at speeds much higher than are

这里much higher than ... 作为后置定语修饰speeds,much higher做表语,例如:I am taller than you are. 原句还原:at speeds that are much higher than that currently possible are. that都省略掉,然后 are再来倒装。。

发表于 2011-7-12 15:38:19 | 只看该作者
The Parthenon is larger than usual for aDoric temple, with eight columns on the short sides and seventeen on the longones rather than the typical six and thirteen.
A) usual
B) is usual
C) has been usual
D) one usually is
E) it is usual

答案是 (B)

我觉得这个题还原是 the Parthenon is larger than other temple that is usual for a Doric temple. 作为主语之间的比较。 为了保持句子结构并简洁,省略了other temple that ..

发表于 2011-7-12 15:47:35 | 只看该作者
According to a study by the CarnegieFoundation for the Advancement of Teaching, companies in theUnited States are providing job training and general education for nearly eightmillion people, about as many as are enrolled in the nation'sfour-year colleges and universities.

这里比较结构是 eight million people as many as people who are enrolled in the ... 保持句子结构就要保留are,省略people who,否则直接用enrolled,就需要先行词people 来省略who are。

发表于 2011-7-12 15:53:32 | 只看该作者
A recent review of pay scales indicates that CEO’s now earn anaverage of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, compared to a ratio of42 times in 1980.

that CEO’s     now earn an average of 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers,     compared to a ratio of 42 times
that, on average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar     workers, a ratio that compares to 42 times
that, on     average, CEO’s now earn 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, as compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio
CEO’s who     now earn on average 419 times more pay than blue-collar workers, as     compared to 42 times their pay, the ratio
CEO’s now     earning an average of 419 times the pay of blue-collar workers, compared     to the ratio of 42 times

我理解 compared with 是过去分词后置做定语从句, as compared with ... 是省略了 as it is compared with 的形式,属于从句。我觉得都可以的。

 楼主| 发表于 2011-7-13 10:41:05 | 只看该作者
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