For members of the seventeenth-century Ashanti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears.
关于svo, doing我也有点困惑。OG 12th有这么个题 For members of the seventeenth-century Ashannti nation in Africa, animal-hide shields with wooden frames were essential items of military equipment, a method to protect warriors against enemy arrows and spears. A. a method to protect B. as a method protecting C. protecting D. as a protection of E. to protect 此题正确答案为C OG解释:In this sentence, protecting properly introduces a modifying phrase revealing the purpose of the items. 我想知道这里面是不是protecting做了后定了?如果是的话,那是可以理解成如果doing前面是主系表结构的话,doing就可以做后定么? 另外svo, doing中,doing除了有表伴随和结果的用法外,有没有做后定的情况?有的话该如何区分svo, doing中doing的各种用法 希望达人们可以指点一二,万分感谢~~
额……我看了一下XDF的上课笔记,貌似SVO,doing结构中,doing还是不能修饰O的吧? SVO,doing我小总结了一下大致三种: 1.做伴随状语,表同步发生,一定要说修饰对象的话,是修饰的S 用初中生句子举例就是:I walk into my office,singing a song. 2.做结果状语,修饰SVO整句话 例子是OG12-47的bringing就是这个用法,用来说明前面five eagles left……的结果 3.做目的状语,就是本题的用法啦 其实第三点我自己也有疑问,只能说猜想是这样的。觉得虽然OG解释说是描述的ITEMS的目的,但是因为前面是一个S were O的句子,那么其实归根结底protecting修饰的也还是主语S