233. Recently implemented "shift-work equations" based on studies of the human sleep cycle have reduced sickness, sleeping on the job, fatigue among shift workers, and have raised production efficiency in various industries.
(A) fatigue among shift workers, and have raised
(B) fatigue among shift workers, and raised
(C) and fatigue among shift workers while raising
(D) lowered fatigue among shift workers, and raised
(E) and fatigue among shift workers was lowered while raising
The best answer, C, grammatically states that the equations... have reduced x, y, and i. and have raised efficiency. Choices A and B fail to use and to signal that fatigue among shift workers completes the series begun by have reduced, and so produce awkward and unclear sentences. Both D and E fail to use and to introduce the last item in the list, which is sleeping in these constructions. In E, while raising has no logical referent, producing only the absurd statement that fatigue has raised efficiency.
根据解释,C项应该是 and fatigue among shift workers, and have raised
anyway, 如果是,下载版的文件应该改一下哦!  |