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IA:location与business success,用模版写的。快考试了,请批评!

发表于 2011-6-16 02:33:52 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
No.26 “Location has traditionally been one of the most important determinantsof a business’s success. The importance of location is not likely to change, nomatter how advanced the development of computer communications and others kindsof technology becomes.”(26

字数:419 观点:有保留的同意
Is the location still one of the mostimportant determinants of business's success in today's society?
Different people may holddifferent views due to their respective angles. From my experience andobservation, I would like to agree with the assertion that location would still play an essential role in some traditionalfields, however, in the other fields, thedevelopment of computer communications and others kinds of technology make thebusiness success possible in a relative unimportant location. Accordingly, a fundamental analysis representing my point ofagreement and contention with the opinion is discussed case by case as below.

Admittedly, in many traditional industries such as apparel industry and fashionfield, location is still one of the most important determinants of business's success,no matter how advanced the development of the computer communications andothers kinds of technology becomes. The location's important roles in thoseindustries could play at following aspects. Firstly,the convenient transportation of a location would largely benefit thosetraditional in their product distribution and therefore decreases their cost. Secondly, in a richer location, a large proportionof their products could be sold to local customers and also the success sellingin local market would convince the companies to expand their business further. Finally, a highly developed location may have moreeducated labor pool which is essential for human resource. Thus, location wouldstill play a most important role of business's success in modern societyespecially in the traditional industry.

However, the author isunnecessary to extend this broad assertion to an irreversible extreme and overlook other compelling possibilities that may affect this issue. Especially in some emerging industries, such as IT industry, they arerelying more on the computer communication and other technology than location.A start-up internet company, for example, wouldprefer build its company in rural areas rather than in the center of a city tosave its leasing cost, but company’s daily work would not be affected by thefactors of location because its sale men can show their products andcommunicate their customers through internet and other kinds of technology.Thus the importance of location is declined in those emerging industries.

In summary, concerningthe complex nature of business's success in modern society, we may not easy toreach a certain conclusion about the importance of location until we can takeinto account all dimensions in above analysis. In my opinion, the importance of location for today' business success should becarefully weighted in different circumstances before making a clear judgment.
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