以下是引用心晴在2004-6-7 7:26:00的发言:110. It has been estimated that the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy in lost industrial output and tax revenues is at least $20 billion a year. (A) the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy in lost industrial output and tax revenues is at least $20 billion a year (B) the annual cost of illiteracy to the United States is at least $20 billion a year because of lost industrial output and tax revenues (C) illiteracy costs the United States at least $20 billion a year in lost industrial output and tax revenues (D) $20 billion a year in lost industrial output and tax revenues is the annual cost to the United States of illiteracy (E)lost industrial output and tax revenues cost the United States at least $20 billion a year because of illiteracy In choices A, B, and D, the combined use of annual and a year is redundant. Choices A, D, and E are awkward and confused because other constructions intrude within the phrase cost... of illiteracy: for greatest clarity, cost should be followed immediately by a phrase (e.g., of illiteracy ) that identifies the nature of the cost. Choice E is particularly garbled in reversing cause and effect, saying that it is lost output and revenues rather than illiteracy that costs the United States over $20 billion a year. Choice B is wordy and awkward, and idiom requires in rather than because of to introduce a phrase identifying the constituents of the $20 billion loss. Concise, logically worded, and idiomatic, choice C is best. 这题的B答案,如果没有前面的annual是不是就对了? 这里的lost industrial output and tax revenues 啥结构丫?看不懂唉。。。 |