5. For protection from the summer sun, the Mojave lived in open-sided, flat-topped dwellings known as shades, each a roof of poles and arrowweed supported by posts set in a rectangle.
(A) each a roof of poles and arrowweed
(B) each a roof of poles and arrowweed that are being
(C) with each being a roof of poles and arrowweed
(D) with roofs of poles and arrowweed to be(A)
(E) with roofs of poles and arrowweed that are
答案是 A , 想请教D 和 E 为何错? 这里的WITH 又是当何种用法?
9. Crises in international diplomacy do not always result from malice; for nations, like individuals, can find themselves locked into difficult positions, unable to back down.
(A) do not always result from malice; for nations, like individuals, can find
(B) do not always results from malice; nations, just as individuals, finding
(C) do not always results from malice; nations, such as individuals, can find
(D) aren’t always the results of malice; nations in the same way that individuals can find(A)
(E) aren’t resulting always from malice; just like individuals who can find
虽然其它的答案也都怪怪的,但 A nation前加了 for ,这样句子不就没主词了吗?
11. Since conscious patients often died of shock on the operating table, the invention of anesthesia was essential to the development of surgery as the invention of the propeller was to powered flight.
(A) the invention of anesthesia was essential to the development of surgery as the invention of the propeller was to powered flight
(B) inventing anesthesia was as essential for the development of surgery as the invention of the propeller was for powered flight
(C) the invention of anesthesia was as essential in the development of surgery much as the invention of the propeller had been for powered flight
(D) the invention of anesthesia was as essential to the development of surgery as the invention of the propeller was to powered flight(D)
(E) the invention of anesthesia was essential to the development of surgery, so was the invention of the propeller essential to powered flight
请问a为何错? D 感觉不太平衡,可以麻烦各位高手解释一下 d吗?
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