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[求助]OG227-so that/so

发表于 2004-5-27 01:28:00 | 只看该作者

[求助]OG227-so that/so

227. Judicial rules in many states require that the identities of all prosecution witnesses are made known to defendants so they can attempt to rebut the testimony, but the Constitution explicitly requires only that the defendant have the opportunity to confront an accuser in court.

(A) that the identities of all prosecution witnesses are made known to defendants so they can attempt to rebut

(B) that the identities of all prosecution witnesses be made known to defendants so that they can attempt to rebut

(C) that the defendants should know the identities of all prosecution witnesses so they can attempt a rebuttal of

(D) the identities of all prosecution witnesses should be made known to defendants so they can attempt rebuttingB

(E) making known to defendants the identities of all prosecution witnesses so that they can attempt to rebut

In English the subjunctive mood is used to express a wish or requirement that a certain course of action be taken. Such phrasing takes the form to wish [or] require that x be y, not that x should be y or that x is y. Choice B, therefore, is best. In place of the subjunctive, A uses the indicative are and E uses an awkward gerund, making, while C and D contain the unnecessary should. A and C also omit that after so, and D omits that after require. The phrase attempt to rebut is more idiomatic than the phrases that replace it in C and D. Choices C and E awkwardly place the plural noun witnesses between the plural pronoun they and its referent, defendants

表示结果一定用so that吗???


发表于 2004-5-27 01:48:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用weiyu在2004-5-27 1:28:00的发言:

表示结果一定用so that吗???

In verbal conversation, "that" may be omitted. But ETS doesn't consider it proper. "That" is needed to start the relative (result) clause...
  - so (...) that
  - such (...) that
  - in order that
  - so ... as to (no "that", but be careful: the logical subject must be the same!)


 楼主| 发表于 2004-5-27 02:48:00 | 只看该作者
Thanks bunnier.
发表于 2004-5-27 17:40:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-5-27 17:50:00 | 只看该作者
Many critics and grammarians have insisted that  so must be followed by  that in formal writing when used to introduce a clause giving the reason for or purpose of an action:
很多批评家和语法学家都坚持认为:在正式的写作中,当用来引入一个表示动作的原因或目的的从句时, so的后面必须跟有 that:
He stayed so that he could see the second feature. But this rule is best regarded as a stylistic preference; in such clauses  that is frequently omitted even by reputable writers in formal contexts, as in  They will have to double up so (or  so that)  room can be found for the new arrivals. ?Both  so and  so that are acceptably used to introduce clauses that state a result or consequence:
他留了下来以便能看到第二部片子。但是这条规则最好被认为是格式上的偏好。在这样的句子中,即使是很著名的作家也在正式的文章中经常省略 that,如在句子 他们将不得不两个人睡一张床,以便(或者 so that) 新到的人能找到住房。 So和 so that都可以被接受用来引入陈述一个结果或后果的从句:
The Bay Bridge was still closed, so (or  so that)  the drive from San Francisco to the Berkeley campus took an hour and a half. ?  So is frequently used in informal speech to string together the elements of a narrative. This practice should not be carried over into formal writing, where the absence of contextual information generally requires that connections be made more explicit. ?Critics have sometimes objected to the use of  so as an intensive meaning 搕o a great degree or extent,?as in  We were so relieved to learn that the deadline had been extended. This usage is most common in informal contexts, perhaps because unlike the neutral  very, it presumes that the listener or reader will be sympathetic with the speaker's evaluation of the situation.  (Thus one would be more apt to say  It was so unfair of them not to invite you than to say  It was so fortunate that I didn't have to put up with your company.) For just this reason, the construction may occasionally be used to good effect in more formal contexts  to invite the reader to take the point of view of the speaker or subject:
海湾大桥仍然关闭着,因此(或者 so that) 从旧金山开到伯克利的校园用了一个半小时。在非正式的讲话中, so经常被用来连接叙述的成分。但是这种做法不能带入正式的写作当中,上下文信息的缺乏通常要求连接明确。批评家们有些时候对 so被用来表示强调的意思“很大程度”提出反对,如在 我们得知最后期限已被推迟的消息时感到了极大的放松中。这种用法在非正式的文章中最常用,也许是因为和中性的 very不同,它假定听众或读者能对讲话者对形势的评价引起共鸣。(因此人们通常会说 他们没有邀请你是多么不公平,而不是说 多幸运啊,我不必再成为你的朋友)。正因为这个原因,这个结构有时在正式的文章中也有很好的作用,使读者接受说话人或主题的观点:
The request seemed to her to be quite reasonable;
it was so unfair of the manager to refuse. But in the absence of stylistic motive, this use of  so should be reserved for familiar discourse. ?New England speakers often use a negative form such as  so didn't where other varieties would use the positive  so did, as in  Sophie ate all her strawberries and so didn't Amelia. Since this usage may confuse a speaker who has not previously encountered it, it is best avoided in writing.
经理拒绝真是太不公平了。但是在没有独树一帜的动机时,在相同的讲话中, so应该少用。新英格兰地区的人常使用如 so didn't这一否定形式,而其他地区则用肯定的形式 so did,如在 索菲吃了她所有的草莓,亚美利亚没有中,由于这种用法可能使以前没有接触过这种用法的人混淆,所以最好还是避免使用
发表于 2004-5-27 17:53:00 | 只看该作者
发表于 2004-5-27 20:53:00 | 只看该作者
以下是引用tianwan在2004-5-27 17:40:00的发言:


一、so表示因果;so that表示目的

OG171. In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.

(A)  so as to marry

(B)  and so could be married to

(C)  to be married to

(D)  so that he could marry

(E)   in order that he would marry

The sentence calls for an adverbial clause of purpose to explain why Henry sought the annulment. D, the best choice, does this clearly and correctly. It is introduced by an appropriate conjunction, so that, and contains a logically appropriate verb form, could marry. Awkward and imprecise, A does not specify who is to marry Anne. B substitutes an illogical coordinate predicate for the needed purpose clause; because the annulment had not yet been granted. Henry could not remarry. C lacks an appropriate conjunction, and the infinitive clause to be married to ... makes this choice awkward and unidiomatic. Although E uses an appropriate conjunction, in order that, the verb form would marry is unidiomatic and illogical (might marry would be better).


Dso that 表示目的;而Bso则表示两个动词的并列。



OG67. Congress is debating a bill requiring certain employers to provide workers with unpaid leave so that they can care for sick or newborn children.

大全291. Factory outlet stores, operated by manufactures, are usually located miles from downtown and regional shopping centers so that they do not compete directly with department stores in the same trading area.

大全99. Although the manager agreed to a more flexible work schedule, he said it must be posted on the bulletin board so that both management and labor will know what everyone is assigned to do.

大全133. During the 1950s, as part of their therapy, young polio victims learning to live with their disabilities were helped to practice falling, so that they could learn to fall without being hurt.


so that可以表示前后两个直接相联系动作的紧密关系,而so则是并列关系,在本句中有歧义so前面有两个动词,和哪一个动词并列呢?






(1) 并列关系:

是指两个以上的动作由连词连接,共同归属于同一个动作执行者。或者两个完整的主谓结构并列。并列的动作也许并不同时发生,但同等重要,不分主次,且互相独立(separate and independent action)。▲还要注意相同时态,不同时态,不同语态之间的动作的并列。

(2) 伴随关系:

则是指两个动作同时发生,但有主次之分,一般情况是主要动作作为谓语出现,而次要动作作为分词结构或动词不定式出现。伴随有三种,即伴随动作,伴随结果,伴随方式。分词结构常与表条件,时间,让步等关系的连词连用。(介词词组有时也起分词结构的伴随作用,with/without sth

(3)目的关系。次动作表主动作的目的,一般用动词不定式(to do sth ) 目的状语从句so that 引出。




OG185 The recent surge in the number of airplane flights has clogged the nations air-traffic control system, to lead to 55 percent more delays at airports, and prompts fears among some officials that safety is being compromised.

(E) leading to a 55-precent increase in delays at airports and prompting

() leading to a 55-precent increase in delays at airports, and prompted






[此贴子已经被作者于2004-5-27 20:54:29编辑过]
发表于 2004-5-27 23:27:00 | 只看该作者

HOHO~~just FYI

按白大虾的解释——so that既可以表示原因,也可以表示目的:

1,表原因:e.g.the question of "so that" is so confusing that all of us present our opinions here.


发表于 2004-5-28 00:08:00 | 只看该作者

hehe, look at this:

so or so that in purpose clauses.  Many people insist that so must be followed by that in formal writing when used to introduce a clause giving the reason for or the purpose of an action: He stayed so that he could see the movie a second time. But since many respected writers use so for so that in formal writing, it seems best to consider the issue one of stylistic preference: The store stays open late so (or so that) people who work all day can buy groceries.

so or so that in result clauses.  It is acceptable to use either so or so that to introduce clauses that state a result or consequence: The Bay Bridge was still closed, so (or so that) the drive from San Francisco to the Berkeley campus took an hour and a half.

发表于 2007-11-6 14:29:00 | 只看该作者
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