LZ好,我2年工作经验,现在在BAML New York office 做risk,刚在R1拿了admission. 我以后想往trading方向走,不知道你们找S&T方向的主要都是什么职位?在考虑要不要quit工作念这个program可以快一点毕业。另外想问问你们有工作经验的人有念full time的吗?实习找得怎样?summer analyst or summer associate?
What is the difference between the New York and Pittsburgh program? Which one is better for a non-working exp. undergrad?
-- by 会员 zhanhaoliu (2011/3/13 8:35:51)
For every mini-semester (7 weeks), professors teach live in Pittsburgh for 5 weeks and in New York for 2 weeks. When the professor is not present in the classroom, you have the class through interactive video conference.
You get more direct exposure to the alumni network and the industry in New York campus, which is located just next to NYSE. It is easier to do in-person networking there. On the contrary, in Pittsburgh you have a real campus environment, where you can interact more with the professors and MBA students in the B-school. It is a bit harder to do networking but things don't differ much at the stage of emails and phonecalls. All in all, if you are very determined and proactive, you can travel to New York, which is not that far from Pittsburgh. Student club activities are also predominately available for Pittsburgh students only.
I joined CMU directly after undergrad and I chose Pittsburgh campus.  ersonally, I value the campus environment and traditional way of lecturing (face-to-face) much so I think Pittsburgh campus is better for me. Anyway, you may have different criteria in choosing between the two campuses. Hopefully, my description above will help you make a better decision.