完整的应该是:A城市 arose simultaneously with (B城市) but (A城市 arose) independently of B城市,A城市与B城市同时但又独立崛起,或者分成2句话来描述就是:A arose simultaneously with B. But A arose independently of B.
完整的应该是:A城市 arose simultaneously with (B城市) but (A城市 arose) independently of B城市,A城市与B城市同时但又独立崛起,或者分成2句话来描述就是:A arose simultaneously with B. But A arose independently of B.
-- by 会员 lottl (2011/7/10 15:45:26)
请问,C中的having been cut 和A中的 that were cut.....and that were arising 为什么是wordy???我不懂,请教你一下~
这个我试着回答一下: 1.根据我看的语法笔记里提到having和being,在GMAT语法里比较不讨喜,选的几率不大。 2. that were cut,“that were”是可以省略的,直接用cut就好。语法笔记里提到,N that is adj,太罗嗦,尽量变成adj N。
完整的应该是:A城市 arose simultaneously with (B城市) but (A城市 arose) independently of B城市,A城市与B城市同时但又独立崛起,或者分成2句话来描述就是:A arose simultaneously with B. But A arose independently of B.
-- by 会员 lottl (2011/7/10 15:45:26)
请问,C中的having been cut 和A中的 that were cut.....and that were arising 为什么是wordy???我不懂,请教你一下~
我们不能说A arose simultaneously of B,只能说A arose simultaneously with B。 同理,不能说A arose independently with B,只能说A arose independently of B。 那这时如果要使两种描述并列,唯一的办法就是: A arose simultaneously with but independently of B. =A arose simultaneously with B.But A arose independently of B.
我也刚做到这题,查了一下朗文和牛津,确实有这个词组的:simultaneous with: eg: The withdrawal of British troops should be simultaneous with that of US forces
而且还有independent of,意思是:not connected with or influenced by sth; not connected with eg:The police force should be independent of direct government control