how abt employment statistics and average salary upon graduation? N how is financial assistance towards intentional student pls? -- by 会员 EugenaTENG (2010/11/10 8:49:06)
last year, it was about 70%, i forget about the average salary。貌似是55K-60K之间,如果没记错的话。 financial assistance... i am not really positive on that. I dont know anyone got financial assistance so far. -- by 会员 lanyuatbard (2010/11/10 8:51:43)
愚蠢地问一句这average salary在米国是不是都当年薪讲啊?我们中国的salary不是算月薪的吗? 另外问下,duke mms的学生去加州或NY或Washington就业的多吗?哪地更多点呢? 谢谢解答!楼主真是回复神速又精准!赞! |