how abt employment statistics and average salary upon graduation? N how is financial assistance towards intentional student pls?
-- by 会员 EugenaTENG (2010/11/10 8:49:06)
last year, it was about 70%, i forget about the average salary。貌似是55K-60K之间,如果没记错的话。 financial assistance... i am not really positive on that. I dont know anyone got financial assistance so far.
所以MMS相当于一个本科liberal arts and science的学习的补充,以更好的适应工作岗位。
master的商科项目大多数都很尴尬,除非是特别quantitative以后出来做trader的项目。employer不知道是该把你当做analyst还是associate的category,MMS的target非常明确,就是entry level job. 所以给你1年的时间让你学这些知识,和duke的本科生公用一样的就业资源 (MMS)也有自己的资源了,和商学院其他项目一样一起公用alumni database,教你各种hard and soft skills.
所以在这样的情况下,我觉得单看placement没什么意义,关键是学校给你提供了什么,and how you leverage the resource by yourself. 到目前为止,50% of the class已经有过interview (项目里还有一些人不打算找工作的),其中有1/3有到第二轮或者终面。其中中国人大概有一半多都拿到过面试,至少有5个中国人进到了终面,到目前为止。(and all of them are major banks or consulting firms)