Thanks for the posting. I appreciate the sharing spirit.
I would like to point out a few vital shortcomings of this statement, though. Although it is only my personal opinion, it may help others to determine how to become more competitive.
First, the statement is not personal. It provides nothing to the committee about the applicants' potential and personality.
Second, the opening paragraph sounds arrogant, weakening the statement's credibility.
Third, the research is not fully discussed. It is unclear that the applicant understands those projects well and it is unconvincing that the applicant made strong contributions.
Forth, the format is unconventional; the language is ambiguous, and the structure is loose.
I think the applicant has a strong background. However, the PS itself does not add anything valuable to his/her application.
1.It is not clear in what ways the quotation contribute towards your essay. 2.Used way too many "I" which showed ok grasp of the English language. 3.Why did you write your opening paragraph like that? You made the reader, i.e. an IS professor, feel bad about himself...(and I feel bad for him)