SCM的面试并不难,Verda很nice。主要是一些基本问题,差不多就是之前的版友分享的,go through your resume, why MBA, why SCM, why Wisconsin, career goals (after graduation), questions to ask等。其实这些问题也是找实习/工作的时候,第一次面试招聘公司喜欢问的问题。
Hi there, for SCM employers, pls refer to this link.
GM, Kraft and Nestle come to UW campus but more focused on brand students recruitment, which means UW-Madison has great relationship with these employers and students in other specialization still get a choice to connect with those companies.
SCM的面试并不难,Verda很nice。主要是一些基本问题,差不多就是之前的版友分享的,go through your resume, why MBA, why SCM, why Wisconsin, career goals (after graduation), questions to ask等。其实这些问题也是找实习/工作的时候,第一次面试招聘公司喜欢问的问题。