请问一下,AMBA的项目的申请人除了有master学位外,其他方面是不是仅仅比两年制的要多一些工作经验呢?还有什么特别的要求吗?申请难度跟两年制MBA比呢? -- by 会员 zn3023 (2012/8/23 15:04:49)
AMBA is easier to get in, admission rate is about 1/3, but it's tougher to find a job because you won't have an internship 今年Chinese(有卡没卡的,蓝本红本护照的)一个11个,全部有significant US/international exposure,如果你没有不建议你申请,因为找工作难度会很大 Having said that, there are some upsides for AMBA: 1. You will take core classes with JD/MBA and MD/MBA. Those kids are super sharp and you'll meet smart Americans right away 2. I heard AMBA next yr will have opportunities to take classes in NYC. And it will be hosted in Google offices. I need to say no more .... -- by 会员 windmaple (2012/8/24 11:05:06)
您好,多谢回答。我的想法是读MBA后找leadership program那样的工作,在美国工作几年然后回国,或者直接回国也行。这样如果之前没有什么海外工作背景的话,在国内的一家大型美资公司工作了5年,读AMBA容易找到leadership program的工作容易吗? |