关于new heaven的治安问题,susan同学能说说看吗? 据说晚上在校园里晃悠还是有点危险,这是不是影响大家social啊 -- by 会员 沙隆巴斯 (2010/9/21 13:45:53)
讲几个好的: 1. Door-to-door minibus: 任何时候打个电话,报上你的学生ID,起点终点,5-15min就会有个小车车(bus或者是security用的SUV)到你门口接送 2. Escort: 可以打电话让security派一个警察叔叔或者阿姨把你从起点escort到要去的地方,如shuttle bus站,或者你家 3. 校园里到处可见的blue phones. 上面有对讲,觉得都有危险的时候跑过去按一下在那里等警察。密度是你站在一个blue phone处一定能看见另外至少一个 4. 常规的shuttle bus,白天晚上都有,四条线。 具体看这里: http://yalecollege.yale.edu/content/security-yale不好的: 1. New Haven老黑巨多无比。downtown很多无业游民。我不是种族歧视,不过晚上真的挺渗人。 2. 具体事例:前两个星期有officer发信说在downtown某主要街一个晚上八九点钟,两宗抢劫,其中一宗involve showing of a hand gun; 过两天说在更远一点的地方(比较靠近我住的,离downtown走路七八分钟)也有抢劫,下午一点半…… 3. 具体事例2:这个比较惊悚,昨天发的信,自己看吧: To the Members of the Yale Community,
There was a serious incident involving gunfire on College Street between Crown and George early Sunday morning. Two of the shooters were injured. The New Haven Police are continuing to investigate what happened and will be following up with any charges as the investigation proceeds.
I met with the New Haven Police Chief this morning to discuss the steps they will be taking in this area and how the Yale Police can assist. Further announcements will be coming about the New Haven Police response. The Yale Police will be covering additional posts along the corridor from campus tothe bars. These extra patrols will be in place on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings, for the foreseeable future.
If you plan to visit establishments in the Crown Street area, please usecaution and call the police if you see any suspicious activity.
Sincerely, Ronnell Higgins
-- by 会员 susanfly (2010/9/21 20:56:16)
非常感谢这么清晰的回答,看来治安还是挺成问题的…… |