For career service team, we suggest you refer to our website: Career Development Information
For the concern of our location, we can see the location page which would show we are just a few hours’ drive from several large metropolitan, east coast cities, therefore job options nearby are spread out over many cities as opposed to us simply being located near 1 major city.
For information session, we have yet to finalize any dates, but they should take place in November. Check back with our visits and events page for more details as they become available
Warm Regards,
想了解下现在SMEAL的CAREER SERVICES TEAM给力吗?尤其是在location不利的情况下。多年前看BS WEEK的评论,说这块儿需要improve。 还有,每年的info. session是不是都会在R1的deadline之前举行呐?今年R1的deadline是11.11。 顺道感谢下pumpkin热情的帮助哈 -- by 会员 xiaowangwang (2011/8/30 18:07:50)