本人刚做了90个OG语法,谈谈我的看法,请高手指正。 1、 The first of Britain's national museums:Britain's national museums的第一批 Britain's first national museums:Britain的第一批national museum I do not think A, because B :因为B,我不认为A I do not think A because B:我不因为B而认为A 我觉得这些意思都差不太多,不用扣那么细,OG不会根据这些来做题,主要是从结构(平行、一致、wordy and awkard、语法结构)等角度入手,一般从这些方面基本上都能得到答案,涉及到时态和基本表达形式的时候,大都不是关键。 2、181题,为什么不选C呢? 如果按照OG的风格,应该是“Weiyu的解释”: Dr. Sayre’s lecture recounted several little-known episodes in the relations between nations that illustrate what is wrong with alliances and treaties that do not have popular support. 主干是 relation between nations and treaties;nations that... 和 treaties that ... 属于 “平行” 而且 relations between nations (that illustrate what is wrong (with alliances) )and treaties that do not have popular support. 按说没有什么歧义啊? 按OG的风格,不会因为可能发生歧义而不选某个选项的啊,如果要抠歧义,很多句子都能找出歧义来。 大概最终的结果需要按照句子总体的意思来确定,意思上讲得通,结构才可能是对的,如果选C,意思上好像说不过去,所以选B 不知道我想的对不对? |