IMO, there are at least two splits that you can use to eliminate D) and E) in 63. First, the sentence starts with a modifier "Unlike emergency calls that travel through regular telephone lines" which should precede immediately before a noun. D) "and thus blah blah", incorrect. In addition, D) breaks the two verbs with the same subject "emergency calls" without probable reason, incorrect. E) "thus automatically informing blah blah" is another modifier, incorrect. Second, ignoring the problems mentioned above, D) and E) both incorrectly compare "emergency calls" with "emergency operators", resulting nonsensical sentences. -- by 会员 silent7706 (2010/7/14 9:40:07)
不好意思小妹不才 跟你討論一下
您的意思是說選項D. 1. unlikeA,B要馬上接一個名詞修飾 不過依小妹目前看到的題目是不一定要馬上接名詞他可以有修飾語你認為呢?
2.你說題目兩個動詞是,and thus… 那句結構錯誤因為他是另外一個獨立子句所以應該有主詞才對而且差在那裏也不對我認為是這樣您覺得呢?
incorrect. E) "thus automatically informing blah blah" is another modifier, incorrect. 不過小妹認為他沒有錯因為,thus +Ving是連接詞改分詞( and thus V改的) 所以基本上還是同一句怎麼會有第二個修飾語? 還是我誤解您的意思了?![](/static/legacy-emoticon/54.gif) ![](/static/legacy-emoticon/54.gif)
Second, ignoring the problems mentioned above, D) and E) both incorrectly compare "emergency calls" with "emergency operators", resulting nonsensical sentences.
Yes. 很明顯 |