Until recently, trade flows were of interest mainly to economic experts and executives of large corporations, but since the past few years, the movement of goods and services across national boundaries have become the subject of intense public attention all over the world.
21. GWD-23-Q37 Until recently, trade flows were of interest mainly to economic experts and executives of large corporations, but since the past few years, the movement of goods and services across national boundaries have become the subject of intense public attention all over the world.
A. since the past few years, the movement of goods and services across national boundaries have become B. the movement of goods and services across national boundaries since the past few years became C. the movement across national boundaries of goods and services over the past few years have become D. over the past few years, the movement across national boundaries of goods and services are becoming E. over the past few years, the movement of goods and services across national boundaries has become
这道题有两个疑问: 1. over the past few years 是否一般都用现在完成时?我搜索了一下,大多用现在完成时,类似的情况还有over the past 10 years之类的。 2. 如何判断主语,以下是三种可能及其疑问 the movement (of goods and services across national boundaries),主语为the movement,那么across national boundaries修饰service,但从意思上讲有些牵强across national boundaries修饰movement更合适些
the movement (of goods )and services (across national boundaries),主语为the movement and service,across national boundaries修饰service,意思是货物的移动和跨越国界的服务,虽然也有些牵强,但语法上应该不算错,后面谓语用复数形式即可
the movement (across national boundaries)( of goods and services ),主语为the movement,意思是货物和服务跨国界的运动,这种翻译最符合逻辑,但是却未出现在正确选项中。