With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have grown to exceed 175,000.
(A) With no natural predators and expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that allow no hunting, wildlife officials estimate the New Jersey deer population to have
(B) With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods that do not allow hunting, wildlife officials' estimate of the deer population in New Jersey has
(C) With no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods where there is no hunting,the deer population in New Jersey, wildlife officials estimate, has
(D) Without natural predators and no hunting allowed in expanses of green suburban neighborhoods, New Jersey has a deer population that wildlife officials estimate to have
(E) Without natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods where there is no hunting, wildlife officials in New Jersey estimate a deer population that has 疑惑的是,正确选项C的主语应该是the deer population,而population怎么能with no natural predators and with expanses of green suburban neighborhoods = = 疑惑求教。多谢。 |