Most insomnia is not an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview.
TTGWD2-30 Most insomnia is not an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview.
an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications
an illness or a physical condition so much as symptomatic of another problem that may be a simple one, like a reaction caused by certain medications
so much an illness or a physical condition but a symptom of another problem that may be as simple as when certain medications cause a reaction
so much an illness or a physical condition, but it is a symptom of another problem, maybe a simple one like certain medications causing a reaction
so much an illness or a physical condition but symptomatic of another problem, maybe simply a reaction to certain medications。
我这的答案是A,但我看到有人的答案是E。到底是什么呀? 看过以前的贴,很多人说A没有用NOT...BUT所以排除,但是难道不能单独用NOT么,或者是NOT SO MUCH AS,就非得和BUT一起用么?而且E 虽然用了NOT...BUT也不平行啊,因为把an illness(名词)和 symptomatic(形容词)并列了,只是一个形式主义,而A至少是平行的。 迷惑中。。。。求教!
A比E好很多。这题我看没有什么争议。 大家都知道not。。。so。。。as。。的用法吧。 an illness or a physical condition so much as a symptom of another problem that may simply be a reaction to certain medications so much as 实际上功能与形容词相似,也就是修饰前面那两个的。to certain medications, anxiety about travel, or stress before a job interview.这后面几个名词时并列结构。 而你所说的的not so much A, but B。 so much 是做形容词的,修饰A而已,一个小小的修饰成分,只是加强语气,而这种结构的主干是 not A, but B。 这种是名词的否定用法,大约有四中: not A, but B. A, rather than B。 not A,but rather B。 A, but not B