According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation's largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible.
1. GWD22-Q1: According to analysts, an alliance between three major personal computer companies and most of the nation’s largest local telephone companies would enable customers to receive Internet data over regular telephone lines with speeds much higher than is currently possible. A. with speeds much higher than is B. with speeds that are much higher than are C. at much higher speeds as are D. at much higher speeds than that E. at speeds much higher than are Answer: 这道题以前问过。。可是回头再看还是不很明白究竟这五个选项的区别。。感觉每个都对。。 大家是不是也有同感呢。。。请高人指点迷津。。谢谢。