Viciv, thanks for your opinion. I agree with you on this point. While the HEC-GE program has a longer time and provides the gap-year intern, the language is a big problem. I incline to go to LBS. BTW, have you made your final decision? I took a trip to both LBS and HEC about one month ago. LBS's campus is very nice and impresive, while the HEC campus is very large. Hehe.
Student profile而言,HEC Grande Ecole和LBS MiM完全不在一个档次上:) -- by 会员 viciv (2010/4/2 3:01:16) 好几个进Grande Ecole的法国人都劝我去LBS 哈哈我不出意外应该就是LBS了,5个offers/AD都拒掉了(包括HEC),现在就差CEMS有点让我纠结。
-- by 会员 ivory8962 (2010/4/2 9:45:31)