謝謝謝謝! 其實我只是想問通過mba,把工作地點switch from hk to nyc的機率大不大。。。? thx thx! -- by 会员 lichenkan (2010/5/9 22:36:03)
It's a lot harder now than several years earlier. Back then, bankers who simply had an interest in Asia could go there and do an easy transfer, and vice versa. But as Asia's (especially China) economy grew, they started hiring people specifically for the local markets, which usually means Chinese who were educated abroad but can still read/write/speak Mandarin. As a result, people who work in the HK office now days are a lot more localized or "chinese" than their peers in NYC, and international transfers have decreased significantly due to the divergence in group cultures. You may be a good analyst/associate in HK, but why would groups in the U.S. hire you when they can get fratty white guys that are a dime a dozen and are a better cultural fit? In general, I think people tend to have a naive idea about working in the U.S. Forget about all that equality, justice, and whatever crap. The same kind of corporate politics, brown-nosing, and unfair competitions are prevalent here as well. If you want to get international experience, then go for it. But if you hate your job/company/career and think that working in the U.S. will solve any of that, you are sorely mistaken. Let me be a honest/bit harsh here: most people who can't make it in their native environment/culture will have an even harder time making it in a foreign country. Of course, some people have very good reasons to make the move, and this does not apply to them. Just wanted to provide a word of caution for others... -- by 会员 REgirl07 (2010/5/10 17:25:34)
thanks! Your perspective is really illuminating. Honestly, I just love US, the country... and hope that I can make a life there. But I don't want to totally ruin my career, and do some like plate-washing jobs in US. Otherwise, it would be much better for me to stay and work in HK, and be a permanent resident here later... So kind of estimating the chance that I can make a decent life in US now... and want to gain some advices from veterans, like you.=) thx a lot! |