Q27 Paleontologists believe that fragments of a primate jawbone unearthed in Burma and estimated (at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of) a crucial step along the evolutionary path that led to human beings. A at 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of D to be 40 to 44 million years old provide evidence of 此题我选的A,当时觉得unearthed in 和estimated+介词可以形成并列关系,as 和that明显不对。看到答案后觉得是因为estimated所以后面要跟to be,不知道这个想法对不对~~找了之前的贴没有这个题,希望NN们能帮忙解释下!谢谢!!!
这里介词根本没有并列关系,只是搭配,estimate to be 按照你说的要并列关系,那不是应该用in,不是at 该用什么介词就用什么介词,除非在,比如前面是...in 2000 and... in 2008,的情况而且句子其他部分都正确,才尽量保持一致.我记得在og里面有一题的正确选项还是for XX年,而未划线处用的是in XX年,如果句子的其他部分,明显错误,还用牵强平行来干嘛,这里用at明显错误 lz对平行的概念还没有搞得很清楚哦